nap 001

I know all of my fans have probably been wondering what happened to me – it’s been so long since I wrote something here.  I’ve been busy keeping Mom organized – things have been crazy around here!  Mom’s book about my sister Buckley (and me!  I’m in the book, too!) has been really well received and is generating quite a bit of buzz around the internet.  I’m so happy for her – I love it when Mom is happy, it makes me feel happy, too.

What I don’t like quite so much is that Mom is busier now, and there seems to be a little less time for reading, cuddling and watching tv.  She always makes sure that we have time together, and I really look forward to bedtime now and snuggle next to her all night long.  It seems to be the one time when I have her undivided attention!  But I understand why she’s busy, and that it makes her happy to be this busy.  And I try to do my part.  I sleep on the perch next to her desk most of the day because I know that my presence inspires her writing (see photo above – that’s me, being Mom’s Mewse).  I help with packing up books to mail to people – I’m really good at playing with the tissue paper she wraps them in (Mom says I mess up the tissue, but what does she know!).  I also remind her when it’s time to take a break and to give me a treat or to feed me.  It’s important that humans take kitty breaks every now and then.

I know underneath all this excitement, Mom is also a little bit sad, because it’s almost a year ago now that Buckley transitioned, and it brings back a lot of memories for her.  For me, too, I do miss my sister.   I’m just better at understanding that she never really left us, she just changed forms.  I still have long conversations with her and I know that she’s hanging out here with us all the time.  I only wish Mom would feel her more often.  She’s getting better at it, and I try to help her.

That’s all for today.  It’s time for another nap.  Being Mom’s Mewse can be very tiring.

6 Comments on Amber’s Mewsings: Keeping Mom Organized

  1. Laura, I think you gave Amber some ideas for a future Mewsings post – I can see the wheels turning already!

    Elizabeth, Amber came up with that term all by herself 😉

    Debbi, I often feel that way, too, when I watch Amber snooze on her perch while I’m slaving away at the computer!

  2. Amber, you look so peaceful, napping on your perch. I’m jealous!

    Mom will need lots of snuggles and purrs during the anniversay period and I’m sure you are happy to oblige. I have one of those coming up too.

    Keep up the good work!!!

  3. Dear Amber,

    I was wondering where you were. I’m so glad to hear that you’ve been busy too. I’m glad your there for Mom, she needs you more than ever as Buckley’s anniversary approaches. It’s hard for us humans to let go sometimes. Not just our loved ones but other things in our lives as well. The uncertainty of what’s to come scares us. Cats, dogs and other furkids don’t seem to let that bother them. How do you guys do that?! Well Amber, I see you have some teachings of you own. Hope you have a great week and keep up the good work keeping Mom organized.


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