Month: October 2010

Allegra’s World: Falling Leaves

It’s been too long since I last wrote on here!  I’ve been a busy girl, lots of fun things going on here.  I”m continuing to be a big help to Mom, assisting her with getting the Reiki room ready and greeting her clients, doing my part in helping with chores, and just generally being my cute self.

I love looking out the windows, and there are some very cool things happening outside our house these days.  It’s been pretty breezy lately, and things are falling from the trees and blowing around in the yard!  Wee!!!  Mom says it’s called fall (finally humans call something  by a name that actually makes sense!), and she says that the leaves change color and then fall off the trees.  I can’t really see the color part all that well.  My vision is much sharper than humans’ and I can see in very dim light, which you humans can’t, but I don’t have much use for color.  But I love watching the leaves fall and swirl – it makes for great entertainment.

All that leave peeping makes me tired, though, so the other day, when Mom was sitting on her sofa reading, I tried something new.  I climbed on her lap, and curled up for a nice long nap.  It was nice – Mom’s lap was soft, and I loved being so close to her.  I could tell that Mom was really happy I did that.  I’ve never done it before.  I’m an independent girl, and while I love being with my mom, and sleep with her in bed at night, I don’t need to be on top of her all the time.  But this was really nice, and I think I may have to do it again sometime.  I know Mom misses my sister Amber, who, she says, was a lap cat.  Well, I don’t know about being a lap cat, but if it makes Mom happy, I can snooze in her lap every now and then.  I also love that Mom loves me for who I am, and isn’t trying to make me into something I’m not, even though she might like me to be a little more cuddly.  I’ve got to be me!  But I love Mom, so I’m going to try.  Really, I am!

Gotta go – more leaves blowing by the window.  Wee!!!