Month: October 2011

Sunday Purrs: Just Breathe

Just Breathe

Show me a good mouser, and I’ll show you a cat with bad breath. – Garfield

We take about 20,000 breaths a day. It’s such a natural thing that most of the time, we don’t give much thought to it – we just do it. And yet, many of us don’t know how to breathe properly.

Incorrect breathing can cause tension, exhaustion, and vocal strain. Most people are shallow breathers, using only the top portion of their lungs, thus causing the body to miss out on the full benefits of a deep breath. Deep breathing raises levels of blood oxygen and promotes health in ways ranging from stimulating the digestive process to improving fitness and mental performance.

Cats know naturally how to breathe correctly. Continue Reading

Allegra’s World: Lap Time

Allegra tortoiseshell cat in the sun

Hi everyone, it’s Allegra! It’s been too long since I last wrote on here! Things have been fairly quiet. Most of the time, when something exciting happens, it’s because Ruby gets herself in trouble. I’m beyond that kind of thing. After all, I’m a young lady now.

I’ve been spending my days following the sunny spots around the house, playing with Ruby, and of course, working. We help Mom test stuff so she can tell you about new products or treats. It’s a very important job, and we take it very seriously.

The favorite part of my day is when I snuggle with Mom. Now mind you, I’m not a lap cat.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Start Your Day Off Right

Start Your Day Off Right

Many of us are woken by our cats each day, begging to be fed. I happen to think that’s a great way to start the day, but I’m an early bird. While you may not be able to stop a hungry cat from waking you, you can control other aspects of how you start off your day – after you feed the cats, of course!

What you do first thing in the morning can have a profound influence on the rest of your day. Start things off right by consciously choosing positive rituals. And you don’t have to take a lot of time to do it.

Here are some suggestions for starting the day off right:Continue Reading

Ruby’s Reflections: Ruby and the Computer Cables

tortoiseshell cat in the sun

Mom says I have a propensity to get myself in trouble. I don’t know what propensity means. It sounds like one of these big words humans like to use to make themselves sound important. I like to have fun. I can’t help it if that sometimes ends up causing trouble, can I?

After my stink bug adventure from two weeks ago, things had been pretty quiet. I was just going about my usual business of playing with Allegra, being cute, keeping Mom’s lap warm while she works, and just generally having a good old time.Continue Reading

The Cat Who Changed My Life

Buckley relaxing

Five years ago today, a small tortoiseshell cat came into my home, and my heart, and changed my life in ways I never could have imagined.

Those of you who read Buckley’s Story: Lessons from a Feline Master Teacher already know that bringing her home was not smooth sailing for us. For those of you who haven’t, I’d like to share this excerpt about the day she finally became a full time member of our family:

It finally came down to one phone call from the animal hospital about a week later. A client had inquired about adopting Buckley. That was all I had needed to hear to make up my mind. On October 9, 2006, Buckley came home for good.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Simple Steps to Stop Worrying

Simple Steps to Stop Worrying

Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy. ~Leo Buscaglia

I’m a recovering worrier. I have a long history of worrying, and I learned from the master. My dad had elevated worrying to an artform. It wasn’t until the final months of his life when he truly learned to live in the moment. During my last visit with him, when he was already very ill, he told me how he’d learned to “appreciate every flower, and every butterfly.” It sounds trite, but it resonated deeply with me, coming from a man who had spent so much of his life doing the exact opposite.Continue Reading

Ruby’s Reflections: Ruby and the Stink Bug

cat stuffed toy snuggling cute

It’s been a while since I told you about one of my adventures, and I had a doozie last week. It all began with these new toys that started appearing in our basement a couple of weeks ago. They’re black, kind of ugly, with spindly legs, and they jump all over the place. They also make a really interesting noise. Mom says they’re called crickets.

Well, whatever they’re called, they’re awesome! Not only do they jump around on their own, they’re edible! Allegra and I have so much fun playing with them. And after we catch them, we eat them! How cool is that! We only eat their meaty bodies, though, we leave the legs for Mom to clean up. After all, she should have some fun, too!Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Routine As The Key to Happiness

Routine as the Key to Happiness

Routines are human nature. Why not create some that will mint gold? – Hafiz

Last Sunday, I wrote about the value of embracing change, rather than resisting it. This may lead you to wonder why on earth I would now tell you that routines are the key to a happy life. No, I’m not contradicting myself. I’m not talking about the kinds of routines that keep us stuck in a rut. I’m talking about positive routines.Continue Reading