Month: November 2011

Ruby’s Reflections: Putting up the Christmas Tree


We had a lot of excitement here on Thursday! It all started with dinner. In addition to our usual food, there was something different in our dishes, and it was yummilicious!

Mom said it was cut up turkey. Mom doesn’t eat meat, something no self-respecting cat understands, but I love her anyway. But apparently, she went to have dinner with friends who did eat meat that day, and one of them was kind enough to send a small piece home with Mom to give to us. We love Mom’s friends!

After dinner, Allegra and I got ready to settle in for our post dinner naps when we heard a lot of commotion downstairs, so of course, we had to go check things out. Mom was pulling boxes out of the closet, and taking all kinds of interesting things out of the boxes. I asked Allegra what was going on? Allegra said she wasn’t sure, but she thought she remembered this same thing happening this time last year.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Thanksgiving ABC’s 2011

Allegra Thanksgiving

It’s hard to believe that Thursday is Thanksgiving here in the United States. As we’re looking forward to spending time with family and friends, it’s important to not lose sight of the true meaning of the holiday: a time to count one’s blessings. For the past couple of years, I’ve made a Thanksgiving ABC’s list. Some of the items on the list repeat year after year, others are new.

Here is this year’s list of what I’m thankful for:

A: Allegra

B: Books and blogs

C: CatsContinue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Feeling Overwhelmed?

Feeling Overwhelmed

There is more to life than increasing its speed. – Gandhi

Do you feel that there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done? You’re definitely not alone. And now that we’re on the verge of heading into the holiday season, many people go from simply being busy to feeling overwhelmed.

Even though it may not seem that way, you have more control over your to do list than you think. In order to stop feeling overwhelmed, you need to be willing to make a conscious choice to cut back, do less, and simplify. The following tips can help you do that:Continue Reading

Ruby’s Reflections: First Snow

Ruby watching the snow fall

I’ve been wanting to tell you about something really cool that happened for over a week now, but Mom has been hogging the computer! And for once, this will not be a post about how I got myself in trouble.

I got to see snow for the first time!

The Saturday before last was a really grey and gloomy day, and it was raining. Allegra and I didn’t mind. Mom was home with us, and we knew it was going to be a day with lots of snuggle time. Allegra is not as scared of rain as she used to be, so she and I played some, and then we napped while Mom was working.

When I woke up from my nap, I looked out the sliding glass door, and these huge white things were falling from the sky! It was amazing! They swirled around, and they were everywhere! I got up on the table to get a better look.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Lesson from a Maple Tree (And My Cats)

Ruby cat maple tree fall

You will find something more in woods than in books.
Trees and stones will teach you that which you can never learn from masters. – St. Bernard

I previously introduced you to the maple tree outside my bedroom and explained its significance in my life in My Cats and The Maple Tree.  Each fall, it’s one of the last trees to turn, and when it does, it turns the most incredibly bright, vibrant red. When the light is just right, my entire bedroom is infused with a red glow from the tree. The glory only lasts for a few days, and each year, I look forward to it.Continue Reading