
Spring is a time of new beginning. Nature renews itself, at first slowly, like those first spring flowers peeking out from underneath the dull winter grass, and eventually bursting into full bloom as the days become longer and warmer.

Spring can also be a time for mental and spiritual renewal, and for this, we can take our clues from nature. It’s time to emerge from the darkness of winter, time to open windows and doors to let the spring breezes in, both physically and in a larger sense.

For many people, this is also traditionally a time for spring cleaning – there is something very satisfying about airing out rooms that were closed up for most of the winter months, clearing cobwebs out of forgotten corners, and getting the dust bunnies out from under the bed. Clearing the clutter and getting organized for the new season on a physical level can also help clear your mental and psychic energy. Cluttered environments drain our energy. Just think about the last time you organized your desk or cleaned out a closet – remember how you not only felt a sense of accomplishment, but how you also felt somehow lighter?

Allegra and Ruby helped me with some spring cleaning this past week: we decided it was time to reduce “toy clutter” in our home by going through all their cat toys and deciding which ones to keep, and which ones to donate to shelter kitties. Since Allegra and Ruby are the two most spoiled cats in the universe, which is as it should be, toys tend to accummulate quickly at our house. Not only do I buy them toys all the time, my friends shower them with gifts for Christmas and their birthdays as well. We also get toys from companies to review and test. Every single toy gets used – at least for a period of time. Then it tends to sit in a corner of the kitty playroom, only to be batted around if it gets in the way of something newer and more fun.

Deciding what to get rid of turned out to be slow going. Ruby is a bit of a hoarder when it comes to toys. “But Mom! I might want to play with this one again!” But when Allegra reminded her that we were going to donate the toys to kitties in shelters who didn’t have a lot of toys to play with, she was quick to agree to let go of some of the toys.

Then it was time for me to get rid of some clutter I had accumulated. Clothes that I hadn’t worn in quite some time. Tschotschkes that had long lost their meaning or sentimental value, and were just taking up space and gathering dust. Books I’ll never read again. If it was something someone else might enjoy, it went into the donation pile, otherwise, it went into the trash.

Clearing out clutter is liberating. It doesn’t just free up physical space, it also frees up psychic space. It’s like spring cleaning for the spirit.

Here are some suggestions for a spiritual spring cleaning:

  • Clear out old beliefs that no longer serve you. A belief is only a thought you keep thinking, and you have the power to change your thoughts. Replace old beliefs that hold you back with new ones that are in alignment with what you want for yourself and your life.
  • Let go of limiting self-talk. Frequently, we’re not even aware that we’re putting ourselves down, since it’s often done jokingly, but just like old beliefs, these little jokes can be insiduous and get stuck in your energy field. Start becoming aware when you put yourself down, or talk about why you can’t do something, and redirect your thoughts.
  • Get rid of a pattern of negative thinking. Do you like to complain, or participate in conversations with others who are complaining about how bad things are? Do you tend to focus on what’s going wrong rather than on what’s going well? Thought patterns can be deeply ingrained, and it takes time to become aware of them. Focusing on what’s not working keeps you stuck in negative energy. Once you realize that this is your pattern, you can begin to turn your thoughts into a more positive direction.

Spring is an opportunity to grow and blossom into a life filled with light, color and joy. Spiritual spring cleaning is a great way to start this process.

Photo of Cookie in the Forget-Me-Nots ©Bernadette Kazmarski. To see more of  Bernadette’s cat art, please visit The Creative Cat.

14 Comments on Sunday Purrs: spring cleaning

  1. It feels so good to get rid of things you no longer use. I periodically go through the house and gather up things I have used in the past 6 months. I box them up and put them in a closet. If I don’t use in another 6 months, I give them away!

  2. After a quick double take, I knew that wasn’t Ruby or Allegra in the garden but Cookie. Love the synchronicity of cats and flowers in posts today. Decluttering is very much on my mind on every level. It’s time to let go so we can flow. Have a clear beautiful day!

  3. Ah, there’s my girl!

    I tend to hoard foofy flowered skirts and art materials, and especially anything that might look good as a prop in a still life or other painting, while my cats have always hoarded things that might make good cat toys and actually do for a few hours, then I step over them for the next few months. They like to “do stuff”, even if it’s sorting old clothes, and if it includes boxes they are all with me so I have no trouble finding company when it comes to cleaning and sorting. Now, for the old ideas, we are always in the process of working through those.

  4. Thank you for this reminder. I think we all sometimes fall into patterns that we often need a reminder to change our thinking about.

    Cody and I are with you about donating toys to shelters. We did that at Christmas time and we are going to be close to doing that again. He plays with a toy for a review for 2 seconds (unless he loves it), then he never touches it again.

    Have a wonderful Sunday!

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