
Allegra and Ruby finished writing their letter to Santa last week, and they gave me permission to share it with you.

Dear Santa,

we’ve been very good girls this year. We keep Mom company while she works. We pose for pictures so she can share our beauty and cuteness with our friends and fans. We always clean our plates. We snuggle with Mom when she watches TV, and we keep her warm at night. We took care of her when she was under the weather.

Ruby: I haven’t gotten in trouble in a very long time.

Allegra: I haven’t broken anything since I broke Mom’s reading light

Ruby: Ha! You’re on Santa’s naughty list, Allegra!

Allegra: You’re one to talk, Ruby! You know it’s naughty to lie about not getting in trouble…

Ruby: blows raspberry at Allegra.

But really, Santa, we’ve been so very very good this year.  And we’re just so darn cute (Mom tells us that all the time!)

Mom told us that you bring presents to cats who have been good, and that we should let you know what we want. But you know what, Santa? We already have everything a cat could ever ask for. We have a ton of toys we get because it’s our job to review them for Mom’s blog. We have a nice warm home, and we get yummy food every single day. We have a Mom who loves us, and we love each other, even if we argue sometimes. We have the best life!

We know there are a lot of kitties out there who aren’t nearly as fortunate as we are. So what we really want for Christmas is actually very simple.

1. We want every cat in the world to be warm and safe.

2. We want every cat in the world to have a full belly.

3. We want every cat in the world to be loved.

Mom says that you can make any wish we have come true as long as we’ve been good. Since we’ve been really really good, maybe you could make our three wishes come true?

Thank you in advance. We love you, Santa!

Your friends,
Allegra and Ruby.

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11 Comments on Allegra and Ruby Write a Letter to Santa

  1. I just love your girls Ingrid. My two girls wish also wish that all cats have loving homes, free from hungry, pain, or neglect. Maybe if we all wish real hard it can come true…

  2. Merry Christmas Ruby, Allegra and Ingrid! We wish for your wishes to come true, too. Hope you’ll all be able to relax a bit over the holidays and be truly rejuvenated for the new year. May you all feel peace, love and joy this Christmas season!

    Purrs & hugs from Lynda and Dante and Puck

  3. Merry Christmas to Mom and the two of you. I think a little (note I said a little) naughtiness is okay. It helps keeps Mom on her toes. Trust me Pipers has kept me on my toes this year.

    My wish from Santa is that in a perfect world there would be no rescues. I love my job very much. I dream of owning my own building. If every animals was loved and well cared for, and fixed there would be no need of me. I would be very happy with that.

    All creatures great and small deserve love, care and a lifetime of happiness…as much happiness as Pipers gives me. If you can’t donate your time to a rescue or adopt a pet, there are so many ways to help. Many of us have posted wish lists on our websites. They can be the simplest of things such as gift cards to office supply stores (you wouldn’t think how useful something like that can be, but it is), blankets, toys, food as well as monetary donations. Check with the rescue of your choice.

    Wishing you peace, blessings and a wonderful New Year.

  4. We love your wish but would like to suggest one change to Santa. We would like everyone, no matter the number of legs or whether they be furred or bare, to be warm and safe, with plenty of healthy food and the love and care we all need to grow and spread our light. We don’t think Santa can pull this off on his own so we’ll all need to pitch in, but with everyone’s help we believe our wish can come true.

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