Month: April 2015

Sunday Purrs: Accepting What Is


Happiness can only exist in acceptance. – George Orwell

Every single moment in life offers us a choice: we can either be in the moment and accept what is happening, or we can resist it. This is a lesson that life tends to present to us over and over. Whether it’s weather throwing a wrench into our plans, or a friend or co-worker not cooperating with our wishes, gracefully accepting what is can be challenging. Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Embrace JOMO


I recently came across an article on 12 Weekend Habits of Highly Successful People, and I found it fascinating that many were not what I expected after reading the headline. Yes, there was the predictable advice of “get up early,” “get ready for the rest of the week,” and “keep up the momentum,” but a surprising number advocated making time for meditation, unplugging, and making time for fun. But what struck me as most useful was Randi Zuckerberg’s advice. Randi is the founder and CEO of Zuckerberg Media (and, yes, she is the sister of Facebook’s creator), so her advice to “forget FOMO and embrace JOMO” was rather unexpected.Continue Reading

Allegra’s World: 5th Adoption Anniversary


Hi everyone, it’s Allegra! Guess what! Today is my 5th adoption anniversary! Can you believe it? Five years ago today, Mom brought me home to live with her and Amber. Sadly, I never got to know Amber really well, because she passed away six weeks after I arrived. After Amber’s passing, it was just Mom and me for almost a year before Ruby joined our family. The jury is still out whether that was a good idea…Continue Reading