
Hi everyone, it’s Ruby! Guess what! I’m five years old today!

Mom says she can’t believe how fast time has flown by. She says I will always be her kitten because I sure don’t act like a grown up. I think she means it as compliment…

Allegra: You keep telling yourself that, Ruby.

Ruby: blows raspberry at Allegra.

Ruby and me first day
With Mom, the day she brought me home. Doesn’t she look happy?

I can’t wait to see what Mom and Allegra have planned for me to celebrate my special day. Tuna cake for everyone!

26 Comments on Ruby’s Reflections: It’s my 5th Birthday!

  1. Happy 5th birthday Ruby! and a hello to Ingrid… wishing you a lovely day!
    From Bonnie the Tortie, Bella the Norwegian Forest Cat, Dorrie our new jet black kit and Lesley

  2. Happy Birthday Ruby from me (Mom Jackie), Amanda, Pumpkin, Sugar, Chubby, our new brofur Mikey and our brofur Angel Clark. We hope you have a fun day and enjoy your Tuna Cake xoxoxox

  3. Happy Birthday beautiful Ruby from me jeanette, and my two cats Mika 5 and Serenity 4 years old. We live in Norway and the cats loves the summer. Our Mommy loves to grow herbs. Guess what she has together with mints, oregano and a lot of other plants – yes I suppose you already got it out of our head 🙂 Catnip <3 <3 We have several plants. The other day Mom harvested some of her herbs to dry for the winter, we were terrified and both of us planned to lay upon the catnip-plants so she couldn´t cut them down. Our Mom is talking to animals and healing them too. That´s very convenient if we get a health problem or get hurt. Serenity has a genetic disease that sometimes makes rouse or sore, then she jumps into Moms bed and Mom lies there and heal the problem through the night. In the morning it´s gone. I am the toughest says Mika, but i must admit that Serenity is very wise, but don´t tell her. You know I´m, sort of "the big brother" and should look after my little "sister", but Mom says it´s wise to be a little cautious. Even though we live in a place that is very secure for cats, there are always cars, and some angry cats and the neighbour saw a fox late one evening this summer. Mom says they are dangerous. We can go out in the daytime when Mom is home, but when the clock shows 11pm she calls our name and we go home almost everytime. Mom says that I (Mika) talks a lot and as you can see – she is probably right tihi. She loves us to death, and we love her. Now we are singing a Norwegian birthday song for you. Have a wonderful birthday Ruby, and your
    Mom is right you are really beautiful <3 <3 <3

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUBY! Pipers and I wish you the very best birthday ever! Remember as you get older, not only do you get wiser but you get more presents too! Always keep the kitten inside of you. It keeps the humans guessing what you’re going to do next.

    May your day be filled with lots of surprises, love and TUNA! 🙂

  5. Happy Birthday Ruby! Enjoy every minute of the day, and I’ll bet your Mom and Sis are planning something special for you. Hipp Hipp Hooray!

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