Month: June 2016

Sunday Purrs: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall


I believe that every single person in your life is your mirror to some extent. Others reflect back aspects of our own consciousness to us, giving us an opportunity to see ourselves in a different light, and ultimately, to grow. Sometimes, that reflection may come from someone we admire. Other times, it may come from someone who aggravates us and pushes all our buttons.

And just like humans, cats can also be a mirror for us. Continue Reading

Happy Father’s Day 2016


Whether your kids are human or furry, enjoy your special day!

Father’s Day can be bittersweet for those of us whose fathers are no longer with us. My dad passed away 12 years ago, but I still get a little sad when friends talk about what they’re going to do to celebrate, or when I see Father’s Day cards pop up in stores.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: The Importance of Self Care


Most of us know how important self-care is to our physical, emotional and mental health. Then why are so few of us good at actually doing it (unless we’re a cat?)

Is it because we’re conditioned to think that it’s selfish to put ourselves first? The reality is that unless you make taking care of yourself a priority, you won’t have anything left to give to those around you. It’s like the oxygen mask on an airplane analogy: you’re supposed to put your own mask on before you help others.Continue Reading