Whether your kids are human or furry, enjoy your special day!
Father’s Day can be bittersweet for those of us whose fathers are no longer with us. My dad passed away 12 years ago, but I still get a little sad when friends talk about what they’re going to do to celebrate, or when I see Father’s Day cards pop up in stores.
Two years ago, I shared some reflections on what it’s like for fatherless children, no matter what our age, to commemorate our fathers on Father’s Day. If Father’s Day is a difficult holiday for you, perhaps you’ll find some comfort in my suggestions on marking the day in a meaningful way. Click here to read the post.
I understand how you feel. My Dad passed 15 years ago (((hugs)))
Hugs to you, too, Caren!
My human grew up without any grandfathers (one was divorced and not really sure where the other one disappeared to – it was long before she was even born). And she wasn’t close to her father, so Fathers Day has never had much meaning for her. Funny that it has more meaning for me, since I know my dad and take after him a little!