Month: December 2016

Happy Boxing Day


The day after Christmas is known as Boxing Day in the UK – and I would bet that it’s probably a favorite holiday for cats around the world!

We’re taking a short break from bringing you new information today, but we’ll be back tomorrow to reveal our top 10 products of the year.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Believe in the Magic of the Season


I love this time of year – for me, there’s something magical about the holiday season, despite everything that is happening in the world at large. Maybe it’s because this time of year takes me back to childhood memories – especially to that moment when I got my first glimpse of the Christmas tree my parents always decorated on Christmas Eve. In a child’s eyes, that was pure magic – an ordinary tree that had been sitting in a bucket on our balcony, transformed into a miracle of lights.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Make Time for the Things That Bring You Light


This post contains afillitate links*

Winter can be a difficult time for many. Even people who are not prone to SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) may feel the impact of the shorter days and lack of light of this time of year. Some experience a serious mood change when the seasons change. They may sleep too much, have little energy, and crave sweets and starchy foods. They may also feel depressed. Add to that that these are arguably turbulent and dark cultural times, and you have a recipe for mental gloom and doom that can be hard to shake.

However, the dark season also brings opportunities to add light into your life Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Cats Help Us Connect to Our Spiritual Side


Connecting with our spiritual core is an important part of conscious living. We all have different ways of doing this, and there isn’t any one single method that is more valuable than another. For some, it may be through structured religious observations, often shared in the community of a church or other spiritual gathering. For others, this connection may happen during meditation. Others still may connect with spirit in nature.

For me, animals, and of course, especially cats, have always been an easy way to help me find that spiritual connection.Continue Reading