
Have you ever been the recipient of a random act of kindness? Maybe someone let you go ahead in the grocery store line because you only had one item. The driver in the car ahead of you at the toll booth paid your toll. A friend you haven’t talked to in a while called for no reason at all. If you’ve been on the receiving end of such an act of kindness, you know how wonderful it feels.

We live in a world of division and turmoil, and kindness is more important than ever. And it’s something we can all do, every single day. Kindness is not something we either have or don’t have. Being kind is a conscious decision to think about others.

Small random acts of kindness can brighten anyone’s day – and the nice thing is, they make both the giver and the recipient feel good. Here are some suggestions:

  • Hold the door open for someone.
  • Give up your seat on the subway.
  • Smile at someone, just because.
  • Leave a larger than normal tip.
  • Look a homeless person in the eye when you offer them food or money.
  • Send a greeting card to a friend for no reason at all.

Do cats perform random acts of kindness? I think they do. Some cats seem to instinctively know when we need an extra purr or cuddle at the end of a long day.

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6 Comments on Sunday Purrs: Practice Kindness

  1. This sounds like an inspiring book. I was recently the recipient of a wonderful act of kindness. Last week was a tough one for me. My oldest cat got very sick on Tuesday and I was lucky to get him into the vet that day. He was diagnosed with pancreatitis. And then I got a notice in the mail that our electric was due to be shut off next week (I think last month’s bill got lost in the mail). So, i decided to round up a bunch of jewelry to sell at the pawn shop and decided I would post the items on FB first and see if any of my friends would be interested in buying any of it (at really cheap prices too). One FB friend (who I have never met in person) wrote to me and said she was sad seeing me have to sell my jewelry and told me she didn’t like writing on FB’s messenger and asked for my email. What she did shocked me as no one is ever that nice to me. She sent $100 to my Paypal account. I cried because no one is ever that nice to me. I insisted she take something in return but she refused. We managed to scrounge up the remainder of the money for the bill and I was able to pay it Friday.

  2. One of my friends on FB wrote on my wall to thank me for being a dear friend this week. I try to do acts of kindness.

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