Month: May 2017

Sunday Purrs: Wisdom from Charlie Chaplin


I recently came across a piece of writing attributed to Charlie Chaplin, titled “As I Began to Love Myself.” Chaplin supposedly wrote this on his 70th birthday, although nobody seems to know for sure whether he actually did. It resonated deeply with me, but it also struck me how much of this wisdom is modeled for us by our cats. Maybe it’s an occupational hazard of being a cat writer that everything eventually comes back to cats for me – but I just  had to share it with you.Continue Reading

Happy Mother’s Day 2017


Even though my mother passed away 23 years ago, Mother’s Day remains bittersweet for me. I still feel a pang each year when Mother’s Day cards start appearing in stores. I tend to avoid going to restaurants on Mother’s Day – seeing others take their moms out to lunch or dinner is hard when I would give anything to have one more chance to take my mom out for a meal.Continue Reading