
Hi everyone! It’s Ruby! I want to tell you about something that happened the other night – let me just say I got myself in a little bit of trouble! Mom and Allegra say trouble is my middle name, but I have no idea what they’re talking about.

Anyway, the other night, mom’s friend K. came over for what mom calls “movie night.” It means that they have dinner and talk endlessly, and then they watch a movie together. I love K. and I always make sure she knows it by jumping into her lap, rolling around next to her, and head butting her from the back of the sofa.

So, after mom and K. finished dinner, they came into the living room to have dessert and tea and to start watching the movie. I walked along the back of the sofa, occasionally head butting K. All of a sudden I hear K. exclaim “oh no!” and mom “oh, Ruby!” I guess I got a little too enthusiastic and head butted K. so hard that she spilled her tea all over herself. Oops!

K. started to laugh. Whew! Thank goodness she wasn’t mad at me!(Of course, who could possibly be mad at me, given that I’m so super cute?)

Mom jumped up and got a towel for K., and that’s when they realized just how much tea she had spilled on herself – I mean, how much tea I made her spill on herself –  Mom had to loan her a pair of pants! K. couldn’t stop laughing. Mom kept apologizing for me. Allegra sat across the room rolling her eyes.

Once K. and the sofa were dried off, everyone settled down to watch the movie. I curled up on the big pillow next to K. and took a long nap. Causing mayhem is exhausting!


What’s that, Allegra? I’m a klutzy clown kitten who doesn’t know how to behave in front of company? Oh, really? And who was on the dining room table when Mom and K. sat down to have dinner?

15 Comments on Ruby and the Dinner Guest

  1. I love the looks on Ruby’s face..Slightly ornery and so cute; such a character..Allegra is also precious..I love all animals, but cats are the supreme best!

  2. oh Ruby you made Cody feel better!! You were just showing K how much you love her and got a little carried away!!! Love it! Now, as for Allegra on the table….she also made Cody feel better because he goes on the table too and isn’t allowed to.

  3. What a precious little cat! Ruby is absolutely darling! I love tortures- they have so much personality. Thanks for sharing your story.

  4. Speaking of movie night, I just attended a movie night at our local cat shelter where they showed “A Street Cat Named Bob.” Have you seen it? It’s a wonderful movie. I told everyone about my experience meeting James and Bob this summer in London. Very exciting!

  5. I love Ruby’s look on the last photo where she retreats to the pillow. We have a Siamese mix, Patience, who gives us that same look after she gets in trouble.

  6. Ruby, Paddy O’Malley headbunts my hands when I’m setting his food bowl down, and I’ve dropped it a few time…plus have clunked his noggin even more! The hollow sound of the ceramic bowl up against his skull…well, I never get it out of my mind! K sounds like a real trouper, and I hope she scored more tea…

  7. Ahhh. We have three beauties. Two brothers who are 17 years now and a little rescue girl who is four. We absolutely love all cats. Thank you for your emails.

  8. This is just an episode in the Life with Cats. Spilled tea, an occasional (!) piece of hair in the butter, pawprints all over the cake you are making and happened to look away from in three seconds. And the saying goes – one should not cry over spilled tea. Next I’d like to read about Allegra’s eye rolling, haha.

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