
We all know that cats are wonderful household helpers. I don’t know what I’d do without Allegra and Ruby’s assistance with making the bed or doing the laundry. They are particularly helpful in the kitchen.

What both Allegra and Ruby do best is supervise me from the top of the fridge or microwave. And because these “top spots” sometimes cause minor issues, I actually put a cat tree in my kitchen! The top of the microwave in particular is coveted territory because it provides a great view of the kitchen and dining room. Before I put the cat tree in the kitchen, the girls would both access it from the ledge that separates my kitchen from my dining room, which made a perfect on ramp.


The problem was, it was also the only way to exit. This caused a problem when both of them ended up on top of the microwave at the same time. Ruby does not share space willingly. Allegra does not think it’s worth the effort to contradict her in these situations, and her only option was to jump off and all the way down to the floor if Ruby was on the side closer to the partition. It’s quite a jump, and I worried about her joints after repeatedly hitting the floor from that height.

Oh, and by the way, there’s a fleecy pad on top of the microwave. Doesn’t every kitchen have that?


Ruby likes sitting next to the coffee machine. We’re still working on me teaching her how to actually make the coffee…


Allegra is very helpful when it comes to doing the dishes.

Of course, the most frequent scene I see in the kitchen is this one:


And because I can’t resist those cute little faces, they almost always get a few treats.

Do your kitties help out in the kitchen?

16 Comments on Cats in the Kitchen

  1. Charming post! Our youngest, Sumi, loves to “help” so much so that we refer to her as Sumi Supervisor. If something is happening, she’s there to oversee and if need be, to lend a paw 🙂

  2. Bennie loves loves to help me change the sheets. (Think: photo opportunities.)
    Rosie would like to help more in the kitchen, but it’s a galley kitchen and there’s no room for a tree for her to perch on. She went to the top of the frig for awhile, but the way there is across the back of the stove, so I decided that wasn’t a good idea. After reading one of J.G’s books about making the home cat friendly, I’ve decided to get some cat perch shelves put up in the kitchen.

  3. Ha!! This is so charming and clever! I loved it! Cody has never climbed up on top of the fridge (but then again, I have things up there and if he did he would have no room to sit). I LOL’d about having a fleece pad on top of the microwave (that is another place he doesn’t go). What he DOES do is counter surf and he jumps up on the stove (which I don’t love). I DO love your idea of putting a small cat tree in the kitchen, (we really don’t have room for one), but if I did, I would do that. I think that is brilliant! Thanks so much for this completely charming post!

  4. We enjoyed hearing your kitchen stories! They all just prove that without our cats’ help, we humans couldn’t possibly function at all, whether it’s in the kitchen or elsewhere.

  5. Hi Ingrid,
    I loved Cats in the Kitchen. The cats looked especially beautiful with light backgrounds. I am looking for a cat tree like the one in this segment and wonder if you might tell me where I might get one like it. Thanks for all of the information and smiles.

  6. Mine love to help out in the kitchen! Sugar parks on the Microwave on the way to or from the sink where there is a bowl of water in there for her and a nice window to look out! The other 4 check out the smells and help with “taste testing” the chicken! Like Ruby and Allegra they all stand at attention and look up “waiting”…

  7. The kitchen is The Hubby’s domain; I just visit! Da Boyz love to inspect everything in the kitchen, especially the counter tops when something yummy is up there. We’ve put a door on the kitchen, to keep the cats out when it’s food prep time. Both of them are also very good at stretching up while on their hind legs, and sometimes pull something off, like a plate of freshly cubed banana. Ooh, what a mess!

  8. My male cat’s kitchen skills are confined to wandering around & around & around under the table announcing it is time for treats.

    My female cat’s forte is toileting supervision of me & making sure I don’t drown in the shower.

    They both are excellent at keeping freshly dried laundry in the its basket, however.

  9. Ah, yes, our two kitties attempt to supervise me at mealtime. We also get the “look” from down below, as they stare up at you with their soulful eyes…”feed me!”

  10. Ruby and Allegra it never occurred to me that both of you were interested in the culinary arts, too. I mean both of you just didn’t seem to be the domestic types. Well I guess you can never quite judge a book by its cover, so it’s been said. However, both of you do look elegant no matter where you land. I hope you’ll keep your followers, like myself informed, when you master the art of brewing a great cup of coffee or heating up a frozen dinner. Whatever, happy learning or should I say moving, my two precious feline friends.

  11. Your kitty’s are so cute! These are some of the best pictures, you have shared..They are up close, and beautiful..I had a tortie years ago, that looked like Ruby..I love all cats..

  12. They are soooo adorable and so are your writings! I have six rescued cats and they all help out with the house work!

  13. I love this post. Good luck teaching Ruby to make the coffee. My cats help in the kitchen too.l But, they are more taste testers than anything else. I’m still working on Miss Lulu about getting near the stove when I am cooking. I have to keep a close eye on her. I don’t want her to get hurt. Years ago, when I had Nani, she brushed against my George Foreman grill and got a burn on her neck. After that, I haven’t left the kitchen while cooking and make sure no one gets close to anything hot.

  14. My cats do not help me in the kitchen. I just love them so very much and them just being in my life is so very important.

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