Month: September 2020

Sunday Quotes: Unshakeable


Don’t you wish you could remain balanced and step through these turbulent times with the kind of confidence the kitty in the photo above displays? Becoming unshakeable in the middle of the storm that life has turned into is becoming more and more challenging, but it’s something worth striving for.Continue Reading

Sunday Quotes: Discovery


A common theme in conversations about how people are coping with the pandemic seems to be that we’re all discovering new things – and for most of us, that’s hopefully one of the good things coming out of these challenging times. Continue Reading

Allegra and the New Quilt


You know that wonderful feeling you get when you buy something your cat really, really loves? I got to experience that a couple of weeks ago, and it wasn’t even with a cat product. I ordered a new quilt to spruce up my tired old sofa, and Allegra thinks it’s the best thing ever. But why don’t I let her tell you herself.Continue Reading

Sunday Quote: A Better Future


We’re six months into this pandemic now, and the future doesn’t look any more certain than it did when all of this first started. But then, I suppose, that’s always the case. We never know what the future will bring. It just feels so different right now because we’re dealing with uncertainty at unprecedented levels. Continue Reading