
Finding stillness in the middle of all the chaos in our world is challenging, and it’s never been more difficult than during these last months. I believe that learning to be still, returning to our center, that place inside that settles our fears and calms emotions, is a vital survival skill at all times, but especially now.

I’ve previously shared the Womens’ Meditation Network as one of the resources that has helped keep me sane during this pandemic. Recently, Katie Krimitsos added a “Be Still” meditation that will help you relax and enter the stillness inside of you. It’s short, less than 10  minutes, which makes it easy to use even in the middle of a busy day or any time you find yourself spiraling out of control.

Click here to access the Be Still Meditation.

The quote above is from the lyrics to Learn to Be Still, one of the tracks on what I consider one of the Eagles’ best albums, Hell Freezes Over, the first album released by the Eagles in 1994 after a fourteen year silence. The song became my anthem that year.

1994 was an extremely challenging year for me: within a four-month period, my marriage of thirteen years ended and my mother died. After emerging from the initial shock and grief, I went through a period of re-examining my life and beginning my journey of finding my bliss. Those of you who’ve read me for a while already know that cats have been the catalyst (pun intended) for some very major life changes for me. What you may not know is that music is also very important to me. There are some songs that immediately bring a specific phase of my life to mind, even when I hear them many years later.

Learn to Be Still is one of these songs. It reminded me to listen to that still, small voice inside. Ultimately, that helped me discover what really mattered to me.

This still, small voice is your true self. It comes from deep within our core. It is the voice of our soul. And the only way we can hear it is if we learn to be still.

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6 Comments on Sunday Quotes: Be Still

  1. I wish I had thought of some kind of meditation or music to help through my tough year. 2001 was a bad one for me. I’m going to look into the meditation program you mentioned. Thanks!

  2. Ingrid thank you so much for the Eagles video! I listened to your song which is beautiful and to a couple more that are more familiar to me. I am so glad I have this video of their Australian farewell tour to come back to. I’m going to save it in a special place so I can listen anytime I want to. And thank you too as always for your very uplifting post!

  3. When the world around you seems to be falling apart and you feel as if you’ll collapse, don’t run an hide, or think about doing something you’ll regret. Find a place where you can inhale the quiet surroundings and breath slowly trying to reach a beautiful peaceful center of the universe, then stay stay there and enjoy what life has to offer at that time. You’ll return feeling refreshed and new again with the positive thoughts of a brighter tomorrow where all the darkness has past and the light has returned bringing hope and love and all good thoughts to your mind body heart and soul.

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