Hi everyone, it’s Allegra! I want to tell you about something fun that happens sometimes in our living room. It doesn’t happen all the time. It seems like it only happens on sunny days, and only at a certain time of day.
It’s kind of hard to describe, but it’s like a whole bunch of rainbow colored dots explode around our living room! I mean, they’re everywhere! On the floor, on the ceiling, on the walls! It’s amazing!
Mom says it’s the reflections of a crystal prism that’s hanging in our big living room window, the one I’m sitting by in the photo above. She says when the sun is at a certain angle, the light going through the prism creates the beautiful dots, and when she makes the prism swing, they move all over the place.
I don’t really care how the magic comes about, I just love when it happens. I go crazy chasing all the dots, it’s hard to decide which one to chase first!
Kitties, do you have magic rainbow colored dots to chase at your house?
Allegra, that sounds so neat! I can almost see you thru my mind’s eye jumping in the air, scampering around the room just trying to catch the colorful balls of light. That’s a game you sort of acquire for free. My sweet friend have a fun time playing light games. And a big ‘Hi’ to everyone out in the world, I hope your lives are full of light, sunshine, rainbows and angels.
What a fun way to exercise and stay in shape! My mom uses a flash light that I chase. Your friend Tasha
What a great idea and if only I had enough sun coming in to do that. My Ren especially would have so much fun! The picture of Allegra is just beautiful!
Sounds like a great movie idea!
Coming to Netflix: Allegra and the Crystal Prism!
I’d go see that movie!
That’s great. Hope she catches one! I’ll have to try that with my cats. I have crystals hanging in the window, too. Thank you for sharing.
We had one of those and did that chase. I think you can see rainbows in your paws. Go Allegra Go
Loved watching this!
Allegra that is so cool!
I want one and am going to ask mom to make magic like that for me. Merlin will like it too.
Oooohhhh……. That looks like fun. I’m obsessed by dots.
What a fun game!