Month: July 2021

Remembering Ruby: That Time When Ruby Shared the Top Ten Things About Herself


Some days, even almost two years later, I still miss my little girl so much, it feels like she just left me yesterday. I’m grateful I have eight years of Ruby’s Reflections on this site to comfort me and remind me of some of the cute things she did when the pain hits.

We don’t realize how quickly we can forget the small, everyday things after we lose a loved one. It’s one of the many reasons why I encourage people to journal after they lose a cat and write down as many memories as they can. Capturing memories while they’re fresh in our minds is a precious gift to ourselves.Continue Reading

Remembering Ruby: The Vet Visit

kitten cute cat tree

I am so grateful to have eight years of Ruby’s Reflections to look back on, even though of course, eight years isn’t nearly enough. We don’t realize how quickly we can forget the small, everyday things after we lose a loved one. It’s one of the many reasons why I encourage people to journal after they lose a cat and write down as many memories as they can. Capturing memories while they’re fresh in our minds is a precious gift to ourselves.Continue Reading

Sunday Quotes: Discomfort


Feeling discomfort is part of life. Sometimes, you’re just going to feel out of sorts, weighed down, or just physically or emotionally “off.” Our inclination usually is to try anything and everything to get rid of discomfort. We either try to avoid uncomfortable situation, or we use food, drinks or medication to get rid of it.Continue Reading

Happy 4th of July 2021


What a difference a year makes! This time last year, I wouldn’t have believed it if someone had told me we’d be able to celebrate the holiday again without having to be afraid of other people. And while I’m not quite ready to partake in any  kind of celebration that involves a crowd, I am so looking forward to gathering with friends this year. Continue Reading

Remembering Ruby: That Time When Ruby Experienced Fireworks for the First Time


I am so grateful to have eight years of Ruby’s Reflections to look back on, even though of course, eight years isn’t nearly enough. We don’t realize how quickly we can forget the small, everyday things after we lose a loved one. It’s one of the many reasons why I encourage people to journal after they lose a cat and write down as many memories as they can. Capturing memories while they’re fresh in our minds is a precious gift to ourselves.Continue Reading