
If you’ve followed me for a while, you know me as the founder of The Conscious Cat, a website dedicated to conscious living, health and happiness for cats and their humans. I created the site in March of 2009 as a resource for cat parents to find solid, well researched information about feline health, nutrition and everything else that keeps cats and their humans happy and healthy. Today, I’d like to welcome you to Purrs of Wisdom!

As of August 31, 2022,The Conscious Cat has a new home with Pangolia. Letting go of something I put my heart and soul into for more than 13 years was not an easy decision, but I’m confident that The Conscious Cat will now be able to reach an even wider audience, which, in turn, will help even more cats. December 2023 update: The Conscious Cat merged with Catster.com.

But now it’s time to look forward!

Welcome to Purrs of Wisdom with Ingrid King! As you may or may not know, I published two volumes of Purrs of Wisdom. Purrs of Wisdom: Conscious Living, Feline Style came out in 2012, and Purrs of Wisdom: Enlightenment, Feline Style in 2016 (affiliate links*.)

What you’ll find on Purrs of Wisdom

It seemed appropriate to choose Purrs of Wisdom as the name for my new website. After all, cats have been some of the greatest teachers along my own personal journey of living my best life every day. Just like you did on The Conscious Cat, you will find expert advice and information about feline health, nutrition, behavior and lifestyle here. We’ll bring you product and book reviews, and I’ll share my thoughts on other cat related topics that I think you’ll enjoy hearing about. And you’ll continue to receive Sunday Quotes, our collection of beautiful images of cats along with inspurrational quotes.

Allegra will continue her column, and I will continue to share memories of Ruby, and maybe even some of the other cats who have shared my life in the past who you don’t know that well.

Fewer posts, but the same great information

The biggest difference you’ll see from what you’re used to from The Conscious Cat is that I won’t be posting new content every day. It’s time for me to slow down a little bit while continuing to do what I love, which is to write about cats! I’m planning to post three to four times a week.

Other services

I’m still available for one-on-one consultations, and I still provide remote Reiki for cats (and humans).


A message from Allegra

Hi everyone, it’s Allegra! I’m so happy that you followed us here! Isn’t Purrs of Wisdom a cool name? Mom has always known that we cats are wise souls, and I love that she’s honoring that with the name of this new website.

I also love that she’s going to slow down a little bit. She’s just been working too hard for too long! Even though she’s home when she’s working, and even though I of course assist  her as best as I can, even if that means napping in her office, now she’ll have more time to play with me and most importantly, to just quietly sit with me and relax, like a cat!

We’re excited about this new beginning and grateful that you’re here to continue this journey with us. And we’d love it if you continue to tell your cat loving friends about us so we can grow a new community here.

*Purrs of Wisdom is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. This means that if you decide to purchase through any of our links, we get a small commission. We only spread the word about products and services we’ve either used or would use ourselves. 

40 Comments on Welcome to Purrs of Wisdom

  1. Congratulations on your new blog, Ingrid and Allegra! I am thrilled to be able to continue to follow you. Looking forward to your wonderful posts!

  2. congrats on your new blog. I love the name. i hope you get to do more what you enjoy with the new blog, not feel stressed to write everyday blog,. thank you for all of your information over the years and i am looking forward to reading your new blogs.

  3. Congratulations Ingrid & Allegra! Purrs of Wisdom is a beautiful site and, even though it’s the start of a new journey, it feels like an old friend, too 🙂

  4. Hi Ingrid,

    A million wishes of good luck in your new endeavor. I love the retro pix of Ruby. Now, I can’t wait to receive info from your new column.

  5. Glad to have you back, & Allegra too. Looking forward to new updates a couple times a week.

    Good to slow down a bit too. Allegra needs more time with you.

    Good luck.

    Grayson, Milo, Hamish & Nancy

  6. Ingrid, I’m so happy that you are back! Thank you for all you do for us and our cats! I’m looking forward to your future posts.

  7. So HAPPY to see you Ingrid and Allegra! The site looks great seeing you surrounded by your sweet loves. Looking forward to all the new exciting news to come. Glad you are able spend more time with Allegra.

  8. Beautiful site So glad you will have more time for your other interests & pursuits. Purrsuits❣️
    Give Allegra a kiss from me.

  9. So selfishly happy I won’t be missing you and Allegra now that you’re both staying put and not going anywhere. A new site and new insights 🙂

  10. What a lovely site, Ingrid. Your Purrs of Wisdom has come at a good time for me. Late last week I lost my precious kitty, Katie, to something called Evan Syndrome. She had been diagnosed last year with asthma, was taking steroids, and was doing well with it. Even though she was a totally indoor cat, our county literally holds a gun to owners heads demanding that all pets receive rabies vaccinations. Three weeks ago we had to submit and she was given her rabies shot. In two weeks, she quickly went downhill, stopped eating and drinking. We took her to the vet who said she had zero platelets and was struggling to breathe. Our only choice was to euthanize her. I have cried a river of tears and my heart is broken. My plea is that this crazy rabies vaccine mandate be looked at closely and indoor, immune compromised kitties should be given a pass on taking it. If I get another kitty, I will do all I can to see this doesn’t happen again. Let this be a heads up to other kitty owners. Thank you.

    • I totally agree! We have that mandate as well, and I hate having my kitty, with heart issues, take any vaccine. I am so very sorry for your loss.

      • Connie,
        I am so sorry to hear the loss of your beloved kitty. I had a cat who also had asthma who we took to Europe when we moved there many years ago. I was in cargo with chickens and ended up with crepitus under his skin and when we go to Brussels had to find an emergency vet. She just put him on an antibiotic and when I had to give him his med, he died in my arms. So I share your grief.

        • Thank you for sharing your story, Theresa. This has been such a shock to us as I’m sure the loss of your little kitty was too. How does she go from doing so well and just two weeks after that UNNECESSARY rabies shot forced on her by a stupid government mandate, kills her? She was so full of life, mischief, and love. There is not enough thought given to what’s best for our pets because the government just doesn’t care. I will see to it that I am never pushed by the government to do something like this again. God bless you, my dear.

    • Connie, I am so sorry that you lost your beautiful little Katie! I wish I had the words to say something to comfort you. I’m praying that in time you heal from this devastating loss.

      • Thank you, Lynette. We just picked up Katie’s ashes at the vet. They fixed things up so nicely but, of course, my tears are still flowing. I know it will take time and I working to process my grief. All the best to you.

    • if you have a good relationship with your vet, they can write that it will cause health problems, possible death, and get a pass. i know many states have this now. i know Calif has this and other states. i have spoken to my vet about it with my older dogs and she has offered to write a letter, i am in NC. my dog breeder stops all vaccines after she stops showing the dogs and they retire from the showring. i have been only doing the basics for yrs. too much poison put in their little bodies.

      • I thought I had a good relationship with the vet, but obviously, we were just another pet owner as in – Cha-Ching! The vet told me that rabies shots are a Federal mandate which I find hard to believe. I cannot tell you how many times I have kicked myself for letting her give my precious baby that shot which poisoned her already immune-compromised little system. I don’t know if I can forgive myself. I remember talking with another vet some years ago who told me that she does not give her indoor kitties these stupid vaccines and no one knows. I should have taken a leaf out of her book. This across the board so-called “mandate” needs to be changed. It’s insane.

  11. I am so excited about your new page. Even though I enjoyed seeing your posts every day, I totally understand needing to step back and slow down. We all need to relax more. Allegra sounds really happy about you getting to spend more time with her too.

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