
Created in 2013 by the Helen Woodward Animal Center, Remember Me Thursday® is designed to shine a light on all the orphan pets waiting in shelters and rescues to find their forever homes. Since its inception, Remember Me Thursday has made more than 2 billion impressions on social media.

Allegra and I are helping to spread the word to get the entire world talking about cat adoption today.  The day is meant to remember and honor the 1+ million orphan pets who ran out of time, and to help people #SeeTheLight for those we can still help.

Changing just one mind can save a life.

Here’s how you can participate:

  • Share photos of how you remember and shine a light on orphan pets with your own rescue cats.
  • Light a candle for orphan pets here.
  • Use hashtags #RememberMeThursday and #SeetheLight

Unite with millions of pet lovers around the world to shine a light on orphan pets waiting in shelters and rescues for forever homes.

For more information and resources, visit

4 Comments on Remember Me Thursday: Help Others #SeeTheLight for Rescues

  1. Lucy is the 3rd cat I’ve adopted at 12 years old. They’ve all been sweethearts who’ve enriched my life. The first and second were rescues. After the second one died I knew I liked senior cats and hey, I’m a senior, so I went looking at shelters for another senior cat. I chose Lucy by her picture and age. She’s turned out to be the smartest cat I’ve ever lived with and we have a great relationship.

  2. I lit a candle. My friend works for a rescue and everyday I hear her rescuing kittens that a shelter can not keep, a 5 wk old kitten that had a broken leg and ear that was terribly infected to save it. The kitten just had surgery on it’s ear and it’s leg seems to be doing well. Kirby is his name and he runs around now like a banche. I donate extra food and supplies and toys to her to help with the 60 cats she has. She takes the feral ones she traps and many times she is able to turn them around to be adopted. She does a lot with fund raising and teaching and going to township meetings to teach them about TNR. There are a lot of amazing people out there to help.

  3. I know my shelter has a lot of animals they need to adopt. There is a rescue that works along with them, getting some of the cats and dogs out for adoption at different locations. That’s where we found Miss Lulu at. They set up an adoption event at Petsmart that day.
    I will be participating in #RememberMeThursday too

  4. I wish more people would adopt cats from the Shelter. There’s needs too be a law protecting cats. I myself would love too adopt more cats I have 2 of my own and and 2 to 3 strays outside along with squirrels and other animals.

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