
If you’ve followed me for a while, you know how much I love the maple tree outside my bedroom window. We planted it when we first moved into this house, more than 38 years ago now. I’ve watched it grow into a beautiful, mature tree. This tree has been with me through a lot of life – through both joyful and challenging times. Each fall, it’s one of the last trees to turn, and once it turns, the beauty only lasts for a few days before the leaves fall.

If you’re new to Purrs of Wisdom, you can read a bit more about the history of the tree and how much it means to me here.

Painting of the tree with all my cats, past and present, by Bernadette Kazmarski

Every year when the tree is at its peak, I make sure to take time each day to simply sit by the window and enjoy the beautiful leaves in all their glory. This year, the weather cooperated, and the two days the tree was at its most spectacular were sunny, with clear blue skies. I call it “maple bathing” – a takeoff on the term forest bathing, a mindfulness practice that emphasizes the importance of consciously connecting with a natural environment.

I can highly recommend taking some time to watch the leaves change. Between the beautiful colors and the symbolism of what changing leaves represent, you may just be surprised at what you discover about yourself. A cat (or two, or more) on your lap will make the experience even more special.

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6 Comments on Sunday Quotes: Changing Leaves

  1. i love watching the leaves change colors but sure hate raking them up. i have a lot of leaves to rake, takes me days.

  2. I have a small maple in the back of my unit. It is beautiful red leaves. The other trees out in front have brown leaves and already more than half of them have fallen off. The front lawn is a sea of brown.

  3. I also have a mature tree outside my window. It’s an Iron tree , also called Muscle Tree. It is beautiful in every season. I have watched it grow for over 30 yrs. I also sit near the window with my cats to take in the essence and quiet beauty. Unfortunately, my neighbors do not appreciate the tree and since we are in an HOA they have threatened many times to have it removed. It’s challenging to live nearby people who don’t appreciate the same things in nature. So, I’m grateful you love and wrote this. I never know how much time I have with my tree. I am trying to propagate a seedling to plant at my son’s house!

  4. I love it when the Maple Tree changes color it turns into a fiery red and it is beautiful. We use too have one in front of my Mom’s house in fact when I got married we took a background picture of it. Not married no more best thing I ever did.

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