
Imagine a cat doing stand up comedy, and you’ve got Misty, the feline author and protagonist of Misty the Cat…Unleashed. Even though the book’s author is listed as David Astor, he didn’t really write the book. He just took dictation from Misty.

One day on his daily walk with his humans, Misty slips out of his harness and chases a squirrel. When confronted with a large dog, he ducks under a porch. And that’s where he gets stuck, on a very hot day, without food, water or his asthma medication. As he waits for sunset, hoping that the large dog will be inside so he can try to make his way home, he starts to reminisce about life with his humans.

From the publisher:

Hello book readers, my name is Misty. Yes, I know Misty is a girl’s name and I am a boy cat, but this is what my humans named me . . . and we don’t even live in California!

As you might expect, in this partially true tale, I do discuss the intricacies of furballs, rubbing up against legs, and why cats make the best pets, but this is just scratching the surface . . .

You’ll come along with me on adventures to the recesses of our refrigerator, get a cat’s curious view of a parking lot, meet annoying dogs, discover that trees have bark but don’t meow, and come to understand why some kitties (like me!) need asthma inhalers, especially when one slips a leash and gets lost!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I laughed out loud a lot – and who doesn’t need more laughter during these challenging times! This is a fast, funny, lighthearted read that will leave you feeling better even after just reading a chapter or two.

Misty the Cat…Unleashed is available from Amazon.


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