Pretty Litter

BlogPaws 2015: Cat Ladies Descend on Music City


I spent last weekend with 500 of my fellow pet bloggers at our annual gathering in Nashville, TN. This was my fourth BlogPaws conference, and it just keeps on getting bigger and better each year. And while the conference is still pretty “dog-heavy,” the contingent of cat ladies (and a few gents) is growing each year, thanks, in no small part, to the amazing Kate Benjamin of Hauspanther, who once again created the ultimate cat lover’s experience in the Cat Lounge.Continue Reading

Coming in 2016: Two New Books Featuring Tortitude and Purrs


I am super excited to announce that Mango Media will be publishing two new books by me in 2016!

Tortitude: The Little Book of Cats With a Big Attitude, will come out in February of 2016. The book will include entertaining and educational facts about torties, as well as funny, inspirational and thought-provoking quotes. And of course, there will be lots and lots of photos of torties!

Mango Media will also publish Purrs of Wisdom Volume 2: Enlightenment, Feline Style. This compilation of lessons in conscious living, inspired by cats, will offer encouragement, guidance and inspiration for living a joyful, conscious life. This title will come out in the spring of 2016.Continue Reading

Ruby and the Jackson Galaxy Comfy Cocoon


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Hi everyone, it’s Ruby! I want to tell you about the cool new thing that came in the mail the other day! It was addressed to Allegra and me, but as soon as Mom took this particular item out of the box, I knew it was meant for me. It’s my own little cave! Mom said I need to describe it better than that, and she started to use all sorts of big words, so why don’t I let her tell you what it is.Continue Reading

Memorial Day 2015


To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die. ― Thomas Campbell

Today is Memorial Day in the United States, a day when we honor the memory of the men and women who have died in military service.

For many people, it’s also a day to remember all departed loved ones, and for most of us, that includes our beloved felines. I’m remembering Amber, Buckley and Feebee today. All three of them changed my life in ways I never could have imagined. I miss them every day, and I treasure the legacy they’ve left behind.

I believe that one of the greatest sacrifices our military personnel make when they deploy is having to leave their beloved pets behind.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: How to Motivate Yourself


Ever have one of those days where you just can’t seem to get yourself motivated to do anything? You’re not alone. I bet even Tony Robbins occasionally has one of those days. Whether it’s starting to exercise, or tackling a huge new project, sometimes, it’s just tough to get up and go. These motivational slumps are not to be confused with clinical depression, which requires intervention from a medical professional. I’m talking about those “blah” days that most of us face at one time or another. Continue Reading

Allegra, Ruby and the Secret Birthday Post


Hi everyone, it’s Allegra and Ruby! Mom had one of her super smart posts about some super important topic scheduled for today, but we snuck out of the bedroom once she was fast asleep last night, and rescheduled it for next week. At first we were going to delete it, but then we realized that maybe Mom would get mad at us if we did that….

Allegra: Ruby, you know better than that. Mom never gets mad at us.

Ruby: She does at me! Continue Reading


Happy Mother’s Day 2015


Happy Mother’s Day to All the Moms of Human and Furry Children!

Mother’s Day is a bit of a bittersweet holiday for me. My mother passed away in 1994, but even after all these years, I still feel a pang when I see Mother’s Day cards appear in stores.

I owe many things to my mom, but the two most important ones are my love of cats, and my love of books.Continue Reading

Allegra, Ruby and the Dental Treat


Dental health is vitally important to cats. Brushing is the most effective way to prevent dental disease – and before you say you couldn’t possibly brush your cat’s teeth, let me tell you that I never thought I’d be able to get Allegra and Ruby used to having their teeth brushed, but with patience and persistence, it has become part of our nightly routine to the point where the girls will actually “remind” me on the occasional night when I get sidetracked (they start pacing in the kitchen in front of the counter where I keep their brushes and toothpaste.)

After their nightly brushing, the girls each get a C.E.T. Dental Chew Treat.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Cats Create Human Connections


We all long for genuine connection with other human beings. Connecting with others not only makes life richer, it appears that we are actually wired to form relationships with others. In Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect, psychologist Matthew Lieberman explores groundbreaking research in social neuroscience, revealing that our need to connect with other people is even more fundamental than our need for food or shelter.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Accepting What Is


Happiness can only exist in acceptance. – George Orwell

Every single moment in life offers us a choice: we can either be in the moment and accept what is happening, or we can resist it. This is a lesson that life tends to present to us over and over. Whether it’s weather throwing a wrench into our plans, or a friend or co-worker not cooperating with our wishes, gracefully accepting what is can be challenging. Continue Reading