cat books

Sunday Purrs: Why Coloring Books Are Good For Your Mental Health


Adult coloring books are winding up on bestseller lists around the world, and it turns out that coloring is more than just a fun way to pass the time. Studies show that the structured, rhythmic motion of coloring eases you into a meditative state, which allows you to push negative thoughts and worries out of your mind, and which induces a profound sense of relaxation. Coloring is also a great way to explore your creativity. Spending 15 minutes coloring an image can give you a sense of having accomplished something beautiful, and that can carry over into other parts of your life.Continue Reading

Coming in 2016: Two New Books Featuring Tortitude and Purrs


I am super excited to announce that Mango Media will be publishing two new books by me in 2016!

Tortitude: The Little Book of Cats With a Big Attitude, will come out in February of 2016. The book will include entertaining and educational facts about torties, as well as funny, inspirational and thought-provoking quotes. And of course, there will be lots and lots of photos of torties!

Mango Media will also publish Purrs of Wisdom Volume 2: Enlightenment, Feline Style. This compilation of lessons in conscious living, inspired by cats, will offer encouragement, guidance and inspiration for living a joyful, conscious life. This title will come out in the spring of 2016.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Cats and Writers

Amber reading Buckley's Story

“Authors like cats because they are such quiet, loveable, wise creatures,
and cats like authors for the same reasons.” Robertson Davies

Cats and writers just seem to go together. According to Barbara Holland, author of Secrets of the Cat: Its Lore, Legend and Lives, “a catless writer is almost inconceivable. It’s a perverse taste, really, since it would be easier to write with a herd of buffalo in the room than even one cat.” I think she’s right.

I certainly get inspired by my two feline mewses, Allegra and Ruby. I couldn’t write The Conscious Cat without their inspurr-ation. But the best piece of writing I ever saw about how cats inspire writers comes from Muriel Spark’s A Far Cry From Kensington:Continue Reading