feline wisdom

When Love Grows Slowly: How a Shy, Unassuming Cat Changed My World


Falling in love with a cat is no different than falling in love with a person. Sometimes, it’s love at first sight. That’s what happened for me when I saw Buckley, the subject of my first book, Buckley’s Story: Lessons from a Feline Master Teacher, in a cage in the back of the animal hospital I managed at the time. I fell in love instantly.

Other times, it’s a slower process. Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: The Big Game, the Kitten Bowl, and Spirituality


We’re not big football fans here, although Ruby loves any excuse to play with her pompoms and make some noise. We’ll be watching the Kitten Bowl, and we’ll probably watch at least part of the big game, just for the commercials. Since I believe that there are spiritual lessons in everything, I spent some time thinking about what the spiritual aspects of football and the Big Game might be.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Never Say “I Don’t Have Time” Again


“I don’t have time.” It’s probably the most overused excuse we hear every day, and most of us are guilty of using it liberally.

Yes, we’re all busy. The standard answer to “how are you?” no longer seems to be “I’m fine,” but rather “I’m so busy!” Many people seem to consider being busy a badge of honor. Our culture reinforces that busy is somehow good. Being busy, supposedly, is one of the marks of someone who is successful.  And as a result of being so busy, we all feel that we don’t have time. Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Are You Too Set in Your Ways?


One of the reasons I love cats so much is that they’re creatures of routine. I love my daily rituals, from that first cup of coffee while I sit on my loveseat and contemplate the world outside my window to tucking myself into bed with my girls at night. But I’ve come to realize that there’s a fine line between enjoying routine, and being set in your ways.

By definition, a routine  is something that we do regularly, without thinking much about it. Once established, routines become a consistent part of our lives. Positive routines include meditation, exercise, eating regular healthy meals, spending time with family and friends, and doing things we love. Because routines don’t require us to constantly make new decisions, they help us live a more relaxed life. And when we’re more relaxed, there’s more balance in our lives, and more time to focus on the things that really matter.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: The Gifts of Autumn


I have a bit of a love hate relationship with fall: I enjoy the beautiful colors of autumn all around me, but I also can’t help but think about what comes afterwards. I’m a summer girl, as are Allegra and Ruby: we thrive on warm weather and sun light.

However, in the spirit of living in the moment – something my cats remind me to do each and every day – I try to embrace autumn in all its glory. Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: A (Mostly) Unplugged Weekend


There’s no doubt that technology is awesome.I wouldn’t want to imagine my life without it. From connecting with friends near and far via email and social media to shopping, technology has become as much a part of my every day life as breathing and eating. But of course, as with so many things in life, there’s such a thing as too much of a good thing. And while it sounds easy to say “I’m going to unplug for the weekend,” the reality, at least for me, has been that no matter how hard I try, I find it quite challenging.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Wisdom from Charlie Chaplin


I recently came across a piece of writing attributed to Charlie Chaplin, titled “As I Began to Love Myself.” Chaplin supposedly wrote this on his 70th birthday, although nobody seems to know for sure whether he actually did. It resonated deeply with me, but it also struck me how much of this wisdom is modeled for us by our cats. Maybe it’s an occupational hazard of being a cat writer that everything eventually comes back to cats for me – but I just  had to share it with you.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Get Over It


Life’s disappointments can knock the wind out of the best of us, and sometimes, it seems like we’ll never get over some of the bad things that happen. As humans, our tendency can be to continue to bring up our painful past, rather than working on healing the pain and moving on with our lives.

Cats don’t do this. They live in the moment.Continue Reading