maple tree

Allegra and the Maple Tree


If you’ve read this blog for a number of years, you’ve heard me talk about the maple tree outside my bedroom window and how much it means to me. We planted it when we first moved into this house, more than 37 years ago now. I’ve watched it grow into a beautiful, mature tree. This tree has been with me through a lot of life – through both joyful and challenging times. Each fall, it’s one of the last trees to turn. It used to turn the most incredibly bright, vibrant red. When the light was just right, my entire bedroom was infused with a red glow from the tree.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Lesson from a Maple Tree (And My Cats)

Ruby cat maple tree fall

You will find something more in woods than in books.
Trees and stones will teach you that which you can never learn from masters. – St. Bernard

I previously introduced you to the maple tree outside my bedroom and explained its significance in my life in My Cats and The Maple Tree.  Each fall, it’s one of the last trees to turn, and when it does, it turns the most incredibly bright, vibrant red. When the light is just right, my entire bedroom is infused with a red glow from the tree. The glory only lasts for a few days, and each year, I look forward to it.Continue Reading

My Cats and the Maple Tree

cat maple tree fall

There is a maple tree in front of my bedroom window. We planted it when we first moved into this house, almost thirty years ago. I’ve watched it grow into a beautiful, mature tree. This tree has been with me through a lot of life –  through both joyful and challenging times. Each fall, it’s one of the last trees to turn, and when it does, it turns the most incredibly bright, vibrant red.  When the light is just right, my entire bedroom is infused with a red glow from the tree.

The photo of Amber above was taken six years ago, when the tree was at its peak. This glory only lasts for a few days, then the leaves all fall off almost overnight. I look forward to the tree turning color each year – it’s such a constant in a life that is filled with so much change.Continue Reading