Sunday Quotes

Sunday Quotes: The Messy Middle


I would guess that most of us were pretty happy to say goodbye to 2020. However, given how 2021 started, right now it’s hard not to wonder whether this year will really be that much better, which is why it’s more important than ever to hone our coping skills and learn new ones.

There is no doubt that change is coming, and perhaps, there’s even the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel, but right now, we’re still stuck in the “messy  middle” of what I hope will be a transformational year on a lot of different levels.Continue Reading

Sunday Quotes: Be Still


Finding stillness in the middle of all the chaos in our world is challenging, and it’s never been more difficult than during these last months. I believe that learning to be still, returning to our center, that place inside that settles our fears and calms emotions, is a vital survival skill at all times, but especially now. Continue Reading

Sunday Quotes: Lessons


A therapist friend of mine often says “just another flipping growth experience!” when life throws challenges at her. Well, she uses a different “f” word, but you get the idea. Her words always pop into my mind when things get tough – and as far as tough goes, this year wins hands down over any other year.Continue Reading