I’m not a football fan. I may watch part of the game for the commercials, but that’s about it. However, since I believe that there are spiritual lessons in everything, I spent some time thinking about whether there might be any spiritual lessons from football and the Big Game today.Continue Reading
Super Bowl
Sunday Purrs: The Big Game, the Kitten Bowl, and Spirituality
We’re not big football fans here, although Ruby loves any excuse to play with her pompoms and make some noise. We’ll be watching the Kitten Bowl, and we’ll probably watch at least part of the big game, just for the commercials. Since I believe that there are spiritual lessons in everything, I spent some time thinking about what the spiritual aspects of football and the Big Game might be.Continue Reading
Sunday Purrs: Lessons from the Big Game
We’re not huge football fans here, although Ruby has been trash talking about wanting to join the Carolina Panthers. She says she would make a great wide receiver: after all, she’s fast, and she’s great at catching flying objects! We’ll probably watch at least part of the game for the commercials, and of course, we’re looking forward to the Kitten Bowl. Since I’m always looking for the lessons in everything, I spent a little time reflecting on what lessons we might find on Big Game Sunday.Continue Reading