weight loss

Why You Should Weigh Your Cat Once a Month


Did you know that your cat’s weight is one of the most important clues to her state of health? Weight loss or gain can be an early warning sign of illness, but if it happens gradually it can be difficult to recognize. Visually assessing your cat’s weight, and annual or bi-annual weigh-ins at your cat’s wellness exam may not be enough to catch these changes, so weighing your cat once a month at home can help prevent problems from going undetected until they’re in more advanced stages.Continue Reading

Why Keeping Track of Your Cat’s Weight is Important


Weighing your cat on a regular basis is one of the easiest ways to monitor her health. Gradual weight loss or gain is often not noticeable in cats until it has become quite dramatic. Consider that the average cat weighs 10 pounds. Weight loss of only 6% of a cat’s body weight is considered a clinical sign – that’s less than ten ounces. Depending on the size of your cat, visible changes to her weight may be too subtle to notice without actually weighing her.Continue Reading