Month: August 2017

Sunday Quotes: Puzzle


Even though we do our best here to educate and inform you about cats and their health, behavior and lifestyle every day, I believe that no matter how much we know about cats, there will ultimately always be an air of mystery about them. And isn’t that what makes them the fascinating creatures they are?

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Allegra and the Slicker Brush


Hi everyone! It’s Allegra! It’s been too long since I got to write anything here! The other day, when Mom was brushing me, she said “Allegra, you’re so cute when you’re being brushed,” I thought maybe I should tell you about our “brushies routine.” I don’t know about being cute, but I do love being brushed. Mom brushes me every day at lunch time. When she gets out of her office chair and walks toward the kitchen, I know it’s time!Continue Reading