Month: February 2023

Ask the Cat Behaviorist with Laura Cassiday: Why Does My Cat Pee Outside the Litter Box?


Laura Cassiday is a certified cat behavior consultant (CCBC) and owner of Pawsitive Vibes Cat Behavior and TrainingLaura is certified through the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. She is also a Fear Free certified animal trainer. Laura recently published her first book, The Complete Guide to Adopting a Cat (affiliate link*.) She works with cat guardians remotely from all over the world, as well as in-person in her local area of Baltimore, Maryland. For more information, visit Pawsitive Vibes Cat Behavior and Training.Continue Reading

Tooth Resorption in Cats: A Common, Painful Condition


Tooth resorption is a common condition in cats, affecting 20 to 60 percent of adult cats and close to 75 percent of cats five years or older. It is a painful condition and the most common reason for extractions. In the past, tooth resorption was referred to as feline oral resorptive lesions, feline odontoclastic resorptions, cavities, caries, cervical neck lesions, external or internal root resorptions, and cervical line erosions.Continue Reading