
Happy New Year
from Allegra and Ingrid

May your year be filled with health, happiness and purrs!

16 Comments on Happy New Year 2020

  1. Thinking of you this New Year and wishing you Health and Happiness. Your heart will heal and your angels will look over you.

  2. Happy New Year to you, Ingrid and you, Allegra! I’m sure your home felt empty and both of your hearts without Ruby on this 2020 New Year.

  3. Happy New Year Ingrid! I too woke up this morning without one of my dearest companions; you aren’t alone in that. None-the-less, wishing you peace and good things ahead in 2020.

  4. Thank you Allegra and Ingrid! What a lovely card. I wish you both the same. Sending lots of love and peace your way!

  5. Ingrid, and Allegra, happy New year to you both!! i pray that ruby’s spirit will lift you up! she is with us in spirit , so she goes on with mom’s work. she will be so happy see in her picture in a precious’s beautiful work from her heart. Ingrid. thank you for bringing Conscious cat in to our homes. what a blessing you are. again have you and Allegra a blessed new 2020.

  6. And Happy New Year to you and Allegra (and Ruby in kitty heaven), although I’m sure this year is not starting well for you, and I am really sorry about that. But I love your picture here: Putting Ruby in the heart is so appropriate since that’s where she now resides, at least on this mortal plane.

  7. Thank you for your work. I’m a regular reader and I find your thoughts and words very helpful and supportive as a kitty mama of 2. Blessings on the new journey into 2020.

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