Month: March 2024

Reverse Sneezing in Cats


Reverse sneezing in cats happens when a cat tries to clear irritants from their mouth, throat or nasal passages. It is characterized by a sudden, forceful inhalation of air through the nose, often accompanied by a distinctive snorting or honking sound. Unlike a regular sneeze, where air is forcefully expelled out of the nose, reverse sneezing involves the inward movement of air. This can give the impression that your cat is struggling to breathe, which can make these episodes very distressing to watch for cat parents. It can often be mistaken for other respiratory problems.
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Review: Play With Your Cat! by Mikel Delgado


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If you’ve followed me for several years, you may remember our Ask the Cat Behaviorist column with Mikel Delgado on The Conscious Cat. Mikel is a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist and Certified Cat Behavior Consultant who has been working with cats for over 20 years. She worked as a cat behavior specialist at the San Francisco SPCA for eight years before co-founding Feline Minds, where she offers assistance for cat owners, animal shelters, and corporations.Continue Reading