Searching for "mikel delgado"

Review: Play With Your Cat! by Mikel Delgado


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If you’ve followed me for several years, you may remember our Ask the Cat Behaviorist column with Mikel Delgado on The Conscious Cat. Mikel is a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist and Certified Cat Behavior Consultant who has been working with cats for over 20 years. She worked as a cat behavior specialist at the San Francisco SPCA for eight years before co-founding Feline Minds, where she offers assistance for cat owners, animal shelters, and corporations.Continue Reading

Cat Camp NYC: Making the World Better for Cats


The second Cat Camp NYC was a high energy, fun filled two day event celebrating cats. From educational lectures to panel discussions covering topics ranging from how to start a TNR (Trap Neuter Release) program, how to use social media to help cats, and how to address feline behavior problems, to the inspirational keynote address by Jackson Galaxy, the event drew thousands of enthusiastic cat lovers. In addition to the educational offerings, there were vendors offering cat-themed products.Continue Reading