feline wisdom

Sunday Purrs: A Message to Slow Down, Courtesy of Our Maple Tree


There is a maple tree in front of my bedroom window. We planted it when we first moved into this house, almost thirty years ago. I’ve watched it grow into a beautiful, mature tree. This tree has been with me through a lot of life – through both joyful and challenging times. Each fall, it’s one of the last trees to turn, and when it does, it turns the most incredibly bright, vibrant red. When the light is just right, my entire bedroom is infused with a red glow from the tree.

Since there’s a window perch right in front of the tree, I have pictures of all my cats in front of the maple tree. Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Embrace Life with Awe and Gratitude


What is the first thing you think of when you first get out of bed? What is the last thought before you go to sleep? How you start and end your day sets the tone for how you get through each day, and for the quality of your sleep at night. Research has shown that gratitude is a powerful force. Dr. Robert Emmons of the University of California at Davis found that  people who practice gratitude are 25% happier. They are more optimistic about the future and feel better about their lives. Combine gratitude with awe, and you’ve got an even more powerful combination to shift your energy.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Overcoming Obstacles, Lil BUB Style


Every life will have its share of obstacles. Rich or poor, young or old, regardless of social standing or education, everyone struggles in one way or another. We have no control over what life throws at us – but we can control how we overcome these obstacles. And when it comes to overcoming obstacles, Lil BUB is not only the most amazing cat on the planet, she’s also one of the most inspirational beings. Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Don’t Doubt Yourself


When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt. – Honore de Balzac

We’ve all had those days, when it feels like nothing we do is good enough. We question our abilities, feel like we’ll never be successful, and, to make matters worse, berate ourselves for feeling that way. Self-doubt is insidious – it’s that little or not so little voice that keeps telling  you that “you’re just not good enough.” I don’t think cats experience self-doubt in quite the same way we humans do, but some cats are definitely less confident than others.

When it comes to helping cats who lack self-confidence, Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Introverts and Extroverts


The terms introvert and extrovert are often misunderstood. Just because someone is bubbly and outgoing doesn’t necessarily mean they’re an extrovert, and just because someone is shy and quiet doesn’t automatically make them an introvert. The difference between introverts and extroverts has to do with how both types gain or loose energy. Introverts are drained by being around people for extended periods of time and need alone time to recharge. Extroverts thrive on interaction with others and tend to get drained if they have too much time to themselves. I believe that to some extent, these purrsonality types (I know. I just couldn’t resist!) apply to cats as well.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Happiness and Butterflies


I’ve always liked the Thoreau quote “Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder.” But I love this version by an unknown author even more:

Happiness does not light softly on my shoulder like a butterfly.
She pounces on my lap, demanding that I scratch behind her ears.

There isn’t much in life that makes me as happy as Allegra or Ruby. Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: The Waste of Worry


I admit it: I’m a recovering worrier. I have a long history of worrying, and I learned from the master. My dad had elevated worrying to an art form. It wasn’t until the final months of his life when he truly learned to live in the moment. During my last visit with him, when he was already very ill, he told me how he’d learned to “appreciate every flower, and every butterfly.” It sounds trite, but it resonated deeply with me, coming from a man who had spent so much of his life doing the exact opposite.

I was also fortunate that I had a feline master teacher who showed me Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: The Value of Taking a Break


No one can get inner peace by pouncing on it. – Harry Emerson Fosdick

When you run your own business and work from home, the way I do, you don’t have a set work day or work week. It’s easy to forget to take breaks, especially when you’re doing what you love. Thankfully, I have Allegra and Ruby to remind me to take frequent breaks throughout the day, but sometimes, I feel like I need a whole day off – and that’s what I’m going to try to do today.

Taking a break can help you gain perspective, recharge and refocus. Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Just Say No to Drama


When you are not honoring the present moment by allowing it to be,
you are creating drama. – Eckhart Tolle

I like a good drama as much as the next person. Intrigue, passion, mystery – what’s not to like? But when I say I like drama, I’m talking about fiction, not real life. When it comes to real life drama, I don’t want any part of it.

Drama is toxic. Even if you’re not a drama queen, you’ll still be affected by drama around you. Maybe you have a friend who always seems to be in one crisis or another. Maybe you’re the person everyone comes to with their problems. Or maybe you have a tendency to turn small problems into much larger ones.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Humane Begins at Home


Last weekend, I attended a panel at The Humane Society of the United States’ Take Action for Animals Conference, which was titled “Humane Begins at Home.” The speakers were KC Theisen, director, pet care issues, The HSUS, Nancy Lawson, Vice President Content, The HSUS, and our friend, Kate Benjamin, cat style expert, founder of Hauspanther and co-author, with Jackson Galaxy, of the upcoming book, Catification: Designing a Happy and Stylish Home for Your Cat (and You)which is now available for pre-order ($1 for each pre-order goes to help homeless cats.)

Wanting to help animals can get overwhelming. There’s always more to do, and sometimes, it seems like nothing you do really makes a difference. However, every small thing Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Taming Technology


Technology makes it possible for people to gain control over everything,
except over technology. – John Tudor

I spend much of my day online, whether it’s researching for an article, moderating comments on this site, interacting with friends and fans on our various social media sites, or responding to the never-ending flow of email. I also have an iPhone and iPad to keep me connected to this site, social media and email when I’m not at my computer. And I know I’m not alone. Technology has become a part of our everyday lives, for better or for worse.Continue Reading