
Giveaway: Spirit Cats Oracle Deck


This giveaway is sponsored by Love and Above Cat Club*

I love oracle cards and have a number of different sets. I use them in all sorts of different ways. Sometimes, I draw a card after my morning meditation to get a message for the day ahead. Other times, I may draw a card when I feel stuck with something to get some guidance. The Spirit Cards Oracle Deck has become one of my favorites.Continue Reading

Allegra and Ruby have a secret

tortoiseshell cats table

Hi, everyone, it’s Ruby! I had to wait until Mom left for a little while to get on the computer. She told Allegra and me that we couldn’t write anything until after our big blog anniversary next week, because she doesn’t trust us not to spoil the surprises she has planned. But it’s just so exciting, you have no idea! It’s so hard to keep quiet!

Allegra: Ruby! Get away from the computer. You know Mom made us promise not to say anything to anyone!

Ruby: I’m not saying anything. I’m just typing away on this keyboard…

Allegra: Come on Ruby, you know better than that. Everything we write on here is read by thousands of people.

Ruby: Really? That many?Continue Reading