
Can Cats Tell Time?


Most of you will probably answer this questions with a resounding “yes!” After all, our cats all seem to know exactly when it’s time to eat, and most cats aren’t shy about complaining if meal service is slow. This innate sense of timing when it comes to mealtime suggests that they have a distinct way of perceiving the passage of time.Continue Reading

Allegra’s World: Mealtime

Allegra's World The Conscious Cat

I can’t believe I now have to compete with my sister Ruby for time to write on here!  Maybe I need to get my own catputer!

Even though I wasn’t sure at first what it was going to be like having a sister, and having to share Mom with her, I have to say that I really like having her here. She’s lots of fun to play with. I especially enjoy bopping her on the head.Continue Reading