self care

Review: Little House Life Hacks


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How many of you remember the TV show Little House on the Prairie? I loved that show, and I got excited when I heard that our friend Angie Bailey, together with co-author Susie Shubert, was working on a book about life lessons gleaned from the show. Little House Life Hacks: Lessons for the Modern Pioneer from Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Prairie is not a cat book, but I loved it so much, I just had to share it with you. Oh, and that’s Janet, Angie’s beautiful tortie, posing with the book. Even though she’s not listed as a co-author, I have a feeling she may have had a paw in it.Continue Reading

Sunday Quotes: Self Care


Another slightly more wordy than usual Sunday post, but I felt that it’s an important topic right now that deserves more than just a quote.

In these challenging times, taking care of yourself has become more important than ever, both in terms of your physical as well as your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Remember that the old adage of putting your own oxygen mask on first is true for a reason: you can’t help others unless you’re in good enough shape to do so.Continue Reading