tortitude tortoiseshell cat personality

Tortoiseshell cats are named for their distinctive coloring – a combination of patches of black, brown, amber, red, cinnamon and chocolate.  The size of the patches varies from a fine speckled pattern to large areas of color.  The term “tortoiseshell” is used for cats with brindled coats that have few or no white markings.  Cats of this coloring with larger areas of white fur are called calicos. Sometimes, these colors present in lighter versions such as lilac or cream.  Torties with this lighter coloring are called dilute torties.  Occasionally, the typical tortoiseshell colors are also seen in a tabby (striped) pattern, and these cats are sometimes referred to as “torbies.”

Tortoiseshell cats are almost exclusively female.  Tortoiseshell and calico coats are the result of the interaction between genetic and developmental factors.  The occasional and very rare male tortoiseshell cat is the result of a genetic mutation.

In addition to their distinctive coloring, torties also have a reputation for unique personalities, sometimes referred to as “tortitude.”  They tend to be strong-willed, a bit hot-tempered, and they can be very possessive of their human.  Other words used to describe torties are fiercely independent, feisty and unpredictable.  They’re usually very talkative and make their presence and needs known with anything from a hiss to a meow to a strong purr.  These traits are stronger in tortoiseshell cats than in calicos – it seems as though these traits are somewhat diluted with the addition of more white to the color scheme.

As of the writing of this post, I share my life with Amber*, and those of you who’ve followed this blog for a while have gotten to know her in her Amber’s Mewsings posts.  You will soon be able to read all about Buckley in Buckley’s Story – Lessons from a Feline Master TeacherThe photo above shows Buckley in the front, Amber behind her.

Prior to Amber and Buckley, there was another tortie in my life.  Virginia was the first office cat at the animal hospital I managed.  She was my introduction to torties, and my love affair with this particular type of cat began with her.  She, too, had the “tortitude” I so love about these particular cats.

Do you have a tortie or calico in your life?  Does she have “tortitude?”

*Sadly, Amber passed away on May 13, 2010, after a sudden, brief illness.  I now share my life with Allegra and Ruby, two tortoiseshell cats who have their own columns here on The Conscious Cat, titled Allegra’s World and Ruby’s Reflections.

Photo ©Ingrid King, all rights reserved

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14,555 Comments on “Tortitude” – The Unique Personality of Tortoiseshell Cats

  1. I just found this site. We’ve had 2 tortis for about 11 months now, Silver and Belle who, are sisters; got them at the SPCA when they were about 5 months old. I’ve had cats my whole life, but never a torti. Silver is built like a little bulldog, very solid. She’s absolutely beautiful and very sweet, but a little cautious. Belle is very tiny, even her head! She has a couple of white markings, but the older she gets the more torti she looks. Talk about tortidude! Belle is so energetic and crazy, but also incredible affectionate. She LOVES people. It’s been a little difficult getting used to the activity level with these 2, but we’ve been playing with them more and they seem a bit less insane. A little worried about the Christmas tree though! They also seem to be talking more and more the older they get. Belle has even tried the silent meow on us. Glad to have found this site; love talking about our girls.

  2. Hi Ingrid,

    My wife and I lost our precious cat Daisy this past weekend. She was a dilute tortie, with a greyish lavender hue, a very unique and beautiful cat, to match her unique personality.

    For seven years, I treated her like a princess, although early on she simply didn’t like me. I got the full tortie treament, the hissing, growling, biting, she’d punch me with her paws, even dry spit at me. She was so difficult to get close to.

    As the years went by, I eventually got to the point of picking her up, walking her from window to window, knowing how to read her behaviour and when to back off. We would also accompany her for walks around the yard. She was happy to be outside and would graze on some grass, hang out under her forsythia, or spend time with us in the vegetable garden. Just recently, I began taking her for a rides around the block in the car, holding her the entire time. I can tell by her reaction that she really enjoyed herself.

    She died at home in her favorite room this Sat morning. I did get to feed her a little gravy from Friskies Turkey and Cheese just 3 hours earlier. I though she might make a comeback. My wife and I woke at 4am and went to check on her and she had just gone.

    We miss her dearly, and our other cat Emma (13 yo tabby) has been looking throughout the house for her. I can tell she’s confused and not herself.

    It’ll take some time to get over the loss of Daisy’s presence.

    • I’m so sorry for your loss, Chris and Jeanie. Daisy sounded like a very special girl. I loved hearing how she mellowed out over the years, and the image of her being taken for rides around the block in your arms made me smile. My heart goes out to you – it’s so hard to loose a special cat with such a huge personality.

  3. Gigi and Tim offered some entertainment this morning.

    Most know these two but for those that don’t;

    Gigi is my long hair torti with white, she came here as an adult after one of her owners passed away. She is a big girl at almost 16 pounds, she is similar in size and build to a Maine Coon. She is a gentle giant who gets along with everyone, but since coming here has shown a surprisingly playful side.

    Tim is the little orange guy, we acquired him when he was found, abandon, so young he had to be bottle fed. He is just over 2 years old but is a small cat at just under 9 pounds. He is friendly but extremely active.

    Tim and Gigi were playing in the cat tunnel in the sun room.

    Tim ran out of the tunnel and stood in the room, facing the tunnel, broadside to it.

    Gigi ran out of the tunnel, running into him, “rolling” him, he literally rolled 360 degrees, he had no time to react to the “torti freight train”, 50% heavier than him.

    She did not stop, she went tearing out of the room, looking quite pleased with herself, disappearing through the kitchen, down the basement stairs.

      • Harry

        Yes, it was the end of July, 2012.

        He has dispelled my idea that all orange boys grow quite big. I had a typo, earlier, he is between 9 and 10 pounds.

        He is proportioned like an adult cougar; slender body, long legs (back longer than the front), very long tail and his head looks like a cougar’s.

        He is very happy and active, as I type this, he and Gigi are playing in the tunnel.

        Ingrid, glad you liked the description, she is a big, very solid cat who is quite a sight at full gallop.

    • Like Harry said, so hard to believe that’s it’s been 2 years since Tim came into our lives. I know cats come in all sizes but like you all the orange guys were big – Taz and Punky.
      Great way to start the week hearing how Gigi and Tim are playing so well. I have one of those cat tunnels – won at the Stray Cat Café many years ago during a road trip where I met great friends. I’ll have to get Onyx into it. Diver might be too big and Frankie would be a cork in a bottle. Hope you guys are staying warm up there. I see a cold front is headed our way this week.
      Throw another cat on the bed.

  4. Hi!! I had to put my tuxedo cat down just over 3 wks ago (she had lymphoma). I had to have wet cat food out at all times to make sure she would eat as much as possible. Now that she is gone, my tortoiseshell is on a diet! She has always seemed to have a little tiny head and a big Buddha belly, but I can tell she has gained weight as I delt with my other cat’s problems. I’ve searched for info on the web, but can’t find any, so I’m just wondering if anyone can tell me if tortoiseshells are usually a stocky bread, and what an average weight is? I used to always just have dry food out all the time, but I have now limited her 3/4 cups per day (which is a little less than the suggested daily amount on the food bag). Only thing is that she doesn’t even eat all of it throughout the day, so I don’t really know how to put her on a diet! (Besides getting weight management Blue Buffalo food next Friday). Anyone have any suggestions?

    • Tortoiseshell cats are no different from other domestic cats when it comes to weight or build, Elisa. The best way to get a cat to loose weight is to eliminate all dry food, stop free-choice feeding (leaving food out at all times) and feeding a grain-free canned or raw diet twice a day. Here’s some information specifically on preventing obesity in cats: You can find more information on bio-appropriate nutrition for cats in the Feline Nutrition section on this site:

      • Thanks for the info! I’ve always been told that dry food is actually better, so this will be a good read. It was the eating of wet food, in addition to the dry, that caused her to gain some weight. I tried feeding her just twice a day (of dry), but she only eats a little at a time, so it’s as if I left the bowl full all day as I used to. Even with the wet food, she would just eat a little at a time. Thanks again!

  5. Friday night I let Eclipse out of the downstairs kennel for the 1st time. He wandered all over. Woke up early Sat morning and saw a large black shape move from the headboard of my bed, across the covers and onto the floor. Too dark to be a Tortie. I got up and saw 4 cats with very big eyes watching from a distance. They shadowed Eclipse from room to room as he explored. I have pics up on FB. I gave them all tuna and Eclipse even shared with Onyx. Went to the movies later in the day and last night as I put kitten chow into bowl for Onyx, I had 4 cats around my feet. Eclipse, Frank, Diver and Onyx. Eclipse started eating and little Onyx came over and swatted Eclipse with his little paw. About 30 seconds later Eclipse swatted back but claws were retracted. Another “feral” cat is learning to fit in. A while l was talking to Eclipse and watched him roll onto his back and then onto his side like a kitten. He did that for a minute. This is the 1st time I ever saw that. I knew better than try to give a belly rub. But I remember when Frank was an outside cat. He did the same thing and it took a month before I could touch his belly. He never bit or scratched. This panther is different. I know better. I am seeing progress every day.

    • That’s great news, it is good to see a “feral” fit in so well.

      Makes me think he really wanted to be a pet cat, all along.

      Hope to hear more success stories about him.

    • Jay, great to hear how well your brood are doing and it’s fantastic that Eclipse is fitting in so well … you sure have your hands (and your heart!) full!

  6. I have a dilute tortie named Ella. She’s simply adorable! She’s definitely vocal, and very loving of her people. She’s the first cat I’ve had (out of eight) that sleeps on my pillow with me at night, hangs out on the back of my computer chair, and generally prefers to be within sight of me, if not touching. Heavens help you if you’re a minute late with her meal, however. She has so much spunk and affection, and is really quite intelligent (15 weeks old and if my husband says “Go bug your mother” – she will), but not much attitude from her. I guess I’ve lucked out?

    • Ella sounds like a wonderful Tortie. Some have said the dilute girls don’t have the Tortitude. My Mom has had 2 and both were gentle. I have a male, Diver and he must be an orange cat in disguise. No Tortitude either. Young kittens can be so much fun. Tell us more about Ella.

  7. My 5-year old Marta certainly has tortitude! She is VERY smart, strong-willed, opinionated, ornery, food motivated, etc., but she can also be a laid back snuggler. She generally likes people (including my boyfriend, thankfully!) but lets you know if she’s not fond (knocked my dad’s glasses off his face once when he got too close for comfort!) I lived with my sister and her 10+ year old cat for 3 of those years, and Marta hated her…the best it ever got was tolerance. Now, my boyfriend and I have added a 3 month old male tabby kitten to the mix. Despite “proper” introduction techniques, Marta is beside herself. Possibly scared, potentially murderous, I can’t quite tell. She makes a lot of angry noise, even after he’s been returned to lock-up. I hope she comes around, and poor kitten Jeffrey’s days of guest room quarantine don’t last forever!

    • Hi Michelle, Love earing about Marta. We have been lacking Torties with Tortitude since 3 of our greatest ones crossed the Bridge to rule above us – Kasey, Steeler and Stirfry. Sometimes tolerance is the most you can hope for. Steeler tolerated No one and Stirfry just let them live. Wish you luck on Jeffrey. Maybe another kitten of the same age will give him a playmate and take the pressure off Marta.

      • Good luck with the introductions, sometimes it takes a while.

        Jay has mentioned my Kasey, the “Warrior Queen”, even she finally came around to introductions.

        I rescued her at 8 or 9 years of age from one of company facilities where she had a rough life; this dark faced torti was the most fearless skilled fighter I have ever seen. She did not understand the concept of cat play fighting; and yet was very affectionate with people.

        Gigi, my large, long haired, ginger faced torti w/white on the other hand is a gentle and calming spirit. Rescued at 5 years of age, her intro took about 24 hours, we lucked out there.

        Every introduction situation sure seems different.

      • I do hope to get to tolerance, Jay! So far it’s just a lot of screaming/swinging paws and general animosity directed at both the kitten, and me!

  8. I just got a torte a month ago. She was born on 8/1. Wow I forgot what it was like to have kitten. She brindle head and back. White on her toes, and a little white around the front of her neck. She’s got an orange triangle on her forhead. Her rear right leg is stripped cream and white. Lastly her front legs are Shiney black down to white toes.

  9. Lauren, it sounds like you have a very full and happy family of fur babies. The way you adopted of a pair of Torties is really a great story.

  10. I adopted a lovely, dumped, calico kitten, and when I moved to the country I travelled back to a city shelter to find her a friend. The staff invited me to sit down, and let a cat choose me, (this is a shelter where cats roam free in a secure inside/outside area). Almost immediately there is a tortie on my lap, looking at me devotedly……I’ll take this one I said, then my mouth spoke on its own, “I could take two.” I was starting to look towards a little tabby, when the staff grabbed another almost identical tortie, and popped her into my carrier, “here you are,”she said, “a matched pair.” It was only after I got home and had visitors that I realised cat 1, Sierra, “chooses” everyone, whether they like it or not. Cat 2, Siena, is a little quieter, but still very affectionate, and my original cat, Callie, (because she’s a calico – no originality here)is much the same. They all get along beautifully with each other, and my elderly German Shepherd. I do think Sierra is a little odd though…..she likes to sit atop my wardrobe and reach down and hit my clothes inside…I had some sketches I had done on top of my wardrobe, until she decided to chew pieces off them, and spit them down onto the floor.

    • Lauren, congrats on your family. Cats choose their human as you found out. And no one ever has too many Torties. I have had Calico’s Torties, a Tuxie and a little werewolf Arianrhod. Now 2 panthers. And I was chosen by them all to be their caretaker and loved human. I am truly blessed.
      And on this blog of Ingrid’s have made wonderful friends.

  11. On Saturday, we spent the day at a show, then went to a great “killer” steak dinner. On the way back, we had to stop at the shop where Jay had his car fixed. The mechanic left his keys in the car for Jay to pick up. Now that sounds so mundane, but here is the real story. As Jay got out of my car and was walking around toward his, out of a junk heap of motor parts, pipes and other car parts of came this tiny little bundle of black fur. Jay bent down on one key, and this little black kitten put his paw and Jay’s knee and that was all it took. Jay handed me the kitten, since my car was already warm, to bring home. As soon as that little one got into my arm it started purring like an engine. So I looked at it and said you are Onyx, a gem that walked from out of junk. So the newbie’s name is Onyx. Well since this happened late Saturday night, we did not know the sex of the kitten, then Jay had his heart attack. Today, I took the little one to the vet to be sure it was ok to be in the house without any illnesses. Onyx is 2.4# and about 8 weeks. So now here is the nice part, we now know Onyx is a Male.

    • Those of you who aren’t Facebook friends with Bernie, and scratching your head over “heart attack” – apparently that really was a “killer” steak, almost. Bernie says Jay is in the hospital and undergoing procedures and of course we all hope he’ll be ok. If I know Jay, the thought of needing to get home to the new bundle of fur, plus the black kitty on the porch needing taming – will get him up and on his feet quickly.

      • Gosh, Bernie – you two have had your fill of dramas this year … sending you both love and prayers for a speedy recovery for Jay. And Harry’s right … two new kitties needing love will be great for Jay’s recovery!

        • Marg, you are so right. Jay and I have been thru a great deal this year. We both have said that just today. It is time for a break and some comfortable, happy times. Jay and I both took for granted that the worst was over and then this happened to him.

          He is so excited to have found a little black kitten on Saturday from the junk, he wanted all to know.
          I now hope after Tuesday, Jay and I will be able to relax and be happy without so any more tragedies. He can’t wait to get home to this little one. The one outside is still not ready to come in. The hav-a-heart trap is set, but so far he has not decided to enter it. So time will tell. Jay will have to work with the outside kitten a little longer. He will not come when I call to him, so when Jay comes home he may be able to get him to come to him again. He is hopeful. We both are.

          • Hi … so glad to read that Jay is home again. The whole kitty family will be pleased to see him. I love the names of the newbies, “Onyx”, and “Eclipse” … it’s funny how you just find names that fit! Take care you two! No excitement for a few days!

      • Thanks Harry. I was talking to Jay on the phone after I came back from the hospital. He wanted everyone to hear about his little “black” kitten and it’s story. You are right to have told our friends here about the “killer steak”. So I will post the story of how Jay was before and after this incident. I should have did that first. You are all such good friends and we are a little family here. so I will fill everyone in.

        As you all know or now know Jay Davenport is my boyfriend. Early in the am on Sunday, around 2, he suffered chest pains. I got him to the hospital and upon arrival he was in full heart attack a code 3 as they call it. He was transferred after stabilizing him to Lancaster General Hosp where he immediately went to the cath lab and had to have 4 stents placed in his artery. He will undergo another stent procedure for the back of his left ventricle Tuesday. I am very hopeful and thankful I was with him when this happened. He will be ok. I am so sure of that. I will be with him for a while yet. I hope you all understand, and I know you will, this is a priority with me right now. I will update when I can. In case you are wondering my son is staying with me at my home and of course he is taking care of my precious kittens.
        I know you all wish him well and I will let him know.

          • Hi everyone.
            I am home now. Ingrid – your healing energy did help. I am a firm believer in that. Got home at 6 pm Was supposed to be released at noon but insurance screw up on my medication. I was released technically but not until 3:30 did they admit that I was not going to get an answer and let me go. We stopped at K-mart where I picked up my other 4 prescriptions and then to Subway for dinner. I DID get one of their heart friendly subs.

            I am thankful to all my friends on here for the well wishes. I was anxious to et home to my new cats. As you know Onyx is the kitten. And my outside “former Feral” panther is now a forever cat. And as you know they don’t get a name until they are yours, His name is “Eclipse”. One is for the fact that he is so dark that he blocks out everything and also because it was the night of the Blood Moon Eclipse that I was able to pet him for the 1st time. I never had a black cat of my own. I had some indirectly thru the Shubin and Kazmarski households. And getting these 2 right before Halloween seems so right. Now I can catch up on FB and CC with all my friends. And I have Bernie and kitten purrs helping me heal.


          • Great news, it sure must be great to be home, and now with two “panthers”.

            Best wishes for a continued and speedy recovery.

          • Than you. Glen. How can I not recover with all this love and purrs. The only blood I will give now is to cat teeth and claws. Being a cat chew toy is ok with me.

      • Quick update. Last evening (Tuesday) around 11:30PM I heard the hav-a-heart trap go shut. I thought, of please don’t let it be a possum or a skunk. I went out and sure enough there was a black cat in the trap. Now since there are 2 black cats that had come around here, I had only hoped this is the right kitten that Jay was nurturing. Well when I let it out into the holding cage, it ran into the sleeping box. I went and got some Tuna and went down and as soon as the black cat smelled the tuna it came out and I was able to stroke it’s back. So I knew, now Jay would come home to his 2 black cats. Now we will have to get this one to the vet. It is a bigger cat and little onyx is a tiny thing. So far, onyx has made his presence known and is buddies with Diver. He knows no fear. I think he may have to bribe Styx, one of Jay’s tortes. She is not at all thrilled with this little interloper.

  12. She just hopped in that car where it was warm and she is so small and so very pretty. Now has a forever home. Really so very friendly for such a small kitten. Will be isolated until vetted. She loves to cuddle already.

    • Diver has been playing footsie under the bathroom door. Later Arian did also. Saving a black cat was on my agenda. Just not this one. Still have a feral outside that has become friendly. Might be a 6 cat family soon. Harry and Bernadette still have me beat. Bernadette has 7 panthers now.

      • Hah … Jay, your post made me laugh. Soon you will have two black kitties! Good for for you … these two won’t know how lucky they are!

  13. Today I went to my auto mechanic. I had dropped off a car last week to get work done and inspected. As I got out of my car I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. A pile of car parts and engines were beside his garage door. I looked and a little black kitten walked out. As soon as I got down it came to me. He has a farm with goats and chickens. About a 5 week old kitten. All black. Somehow it found it’s way into my car and came into a forever home. Named Onyx. Frank, Diver, Styx and Arianrhod met it. Right now in the bathroom with food, water and a litterbox. Sleeping in a cat bed and purrs when scratched.

    • Nice 🙂

      A little black cat, thats neat, sounds like she found her home.

      The vet that founded the clinic we take the critters too just retired this year, we share an interest in motorcycles; he and his wife have five “little black panthers”, they are quite a sight all together.

  14. We have a lovely torti called HONEY and she is 9 years of age and she came to live with us with another stray black moggy called Foss
    For the first few years she ignored me completely as I go to work everyday but she has learnt to trust me and love me and she will sit for cuddles daily on my lap now.
    She spends every day with my husband who also plays, loves and cares for her.
    HONEY is so aware of everything that is happening in our house and how we come and go that she now has a real fear paranoia that we are taking her to AWL – their holiday place.
    Now we only go away twice a year for short stints of 3-5 days and this hasn’t occurred for 10 months now so we’re unsure why she has stopped eating, runs warily away from us and watches from afar.
    We’ve tried cajoling, enticing with different tidbits and even segregating her to eat by herself but this makes her even more afraid that we’re PLANNING something that day which isn’t the case.
    We are however planning a cruise for 18 days and we’re really worried about how she’ll fare and why she is eating like a sparrow now !! She remains active and alert. Please can you help me with any thoughts or ideas as we love her dearly and if anything our house is a “cat haven” for lucky pussies!!

    • Any sudden change in behavior can be an indicator of a medical problem. I’d get Honey checked out by your veterinarian.

      If her behavior is truly due to her fear of you leaving on a trip and boarding her, I would consider hiring a cat sitter to care for her in your home while you’re away, especially when you leave for the cruise.

  15. Success today. I went out a little after noon and saw the black cat on the deck. Went in and got some tuna that I had saved for her. Before I gave it to her I talked for a minute then set it down. She let me give her a head rub and ear scratch. 1st time I was able to touch her for more than a second where I just touched her head. Progress should improve now.

  16. Seeing Bernadette again was a delightful and fun time. She is so full of love and laughter in addition to that, she is the most multi talented artist/writer, graphic designer and foster rescuer I have ever met or could ever hope to meet.

    She and Jay kept this surprise from me for some time. When Bernadette handed me that painting, I could only stop breathing and then eventually say “That’s my Steeler”. I am not often overwhelmed like that, but this is a moment in time that I will forever hold dear. The painting of Steeler is so lifelike, it is a treasure beyond all I have. I will not show it for awhile. Bernadette will do her story on this beautiful painting and Steeler. She deserves that total recognition for her writings. I will only show it after that. In the meantime, I see my precious Steeler looking at me thru those beautiful eyes of a portrait. Thank you Jay and Thank you my friend, Bernadette.
    I love you both.

      • My dear friend, in time, in time. You were also a big part of Steeler’s legend. But in time, you will also have to wait.

    • I was taking a video of Bernie when she saw the painting. She thought she was looking at just a painting that Bernadette had just finished. Then she stared. She just stuttered and said “That’s my Steeler” Then she was speachless for a minute. Bernie Speachless !!!!!!!!

      Copies are available upon request 🙂

      You have had a rough year and deserved to have the sun shine down upon you. So glad Bernadette could do it and that you treasure it so much.
      Steeler was that special. We all loved her.

      • Bernie, I have to agree with Jay’s words … you have had the kind of year that none of us would ever want to go through … and for you to receive such a beautiful reminder of Steeler will hopefully take just a little bit of your pain away. I can’t wait to see it! Take care, my friend … xox

        • Marg It will be shown only after Bernadette has the opportunity to do what she does best. Her article will be a keepsake. After that, even if it takes her months, I will then post the portrait. Steeler always was a comfort to me and I do love looking at this portrait. Thank you for you very king words.

        • Copies will NOT be sold. However, they will be given away for free.

          A deal might be worked out. Mabe a cute Tortie cat named DJ ?

          • Jay is walking on thin ice.

            Dajudge says as long as you have Diver she does not want him to be her brother. He took her windowsill and she holds a Tortie grudge against him. 🙂

  17. I was up to see Bernie over the weekend. Had a great time. Justice is doing well and getting very friendly. DJ is as cute as ever and Freedom is very regal. The same look as Arianrhod but the attitude of a Tortie.
    Monday we took a trip to Carnegie – a suburb of Pittsburgh. We went to visit a friend and Artist Bernadette Kazmarski. We got to see her 5 famous black cats and even 2 black fosters. And she had a surprise for Bernie. A wonderful painting of Steeler. I know it will be treasured. I love the one of my critters received years ago and it hangs on my walls along with Ansel Adams. Had lunch at a Diner down the road and a dreadful trip out of the city. Rain and rush hour traffic are not my favorite things to do.

    • It was great to see you guys, and I’m so glad we kept the surprise for Bernie! I’m so glad I had the chance to sketch the famous Steeler. Sorry for the bad weather, but I’m sure the luck of seven black cats followed you all the way home!

      • Jay has never been in Pgh traffic at rush hour. It was not that bad ( 🙂 ) I drove how bad could it have been. We had a wonderful time and the seven black cats did follow us home. What great conversation we had on that drive.

  18. i have just gotten a tortie and that’s her name she is a lover and yes vocal i love it. she is just 2 months old but she loves belly rubs and head rubbed. i think she is going to be an awesome kitty.

    • yonacab
      You now have a most awesome Tortie. Some are very vocal and you will in time learn what she is telling you. That may sound strange, but they do have a character like no other. Love her and enjoy your little one.

  19. Hey all you folks. Thanks for the Birthday Wishes. Being 29 again and having cake with Jack Benny was rather intriguing. 🙂

  20. Our Tortoise Shell Cat hunted a mouse last night. After bringing down the beast with her mighty claws, she displayed her Tortitude and howled differently than usual. At first we thought she was sick and then we noticed she was toying with her food. She finally crunched her mouse and left the tail for us. No cat is as Spooky as a black/gold Tortoise Shell, they are the best cat of them all.

    • Torties are born killers – I was told that by Stirfry. Diver never got that notice. He does not know he is not supposed to be gentle and playful.

      • There are plenty of gentle and playful torties out there. Even though torties are, without a doubt, unique, they, like cats of other colors, are all individuals.

        • I think Brooke is getting a bad rap here. She’s playful, gentle, affectionate, and loves people. She sits on my lap, curled up and purring, often. She’s just very intense about what she does, be it
          playing, sleeping, or bopping other cats (whom she likes a lot less than people). In fact, during a recent visit from award-winning writer Ingrid King, Brooke chose to ignore the entire morning, sleeping curled up on a chair by the edge of the action. She stirred once to re-curl in a different direction 🙂

      • My veterinarian looked at two torties and one calico to examine and told her assistant to “get the gloves” because they were going to examine not one but three tri-color cats and they’d be lucky if the came away with their faces. I laughed at the idea, Cookie purred and wanted to nose tap with her, Kelly was quietly obedient and purring, and Peaches wiggled a lot and purred. However, mice in the basement were another story.

  21. Hey guys – while Mum and I were in Scotland, we stayed with my mum’s brother and sister-in-law (a fantastic couple in their 70’s who get about like youngsters). On the first day, my aunt said “we have a cat who visits here most days … I think he belongs to someone but I give him some treats”. Sure enough, next morning “Cat” (as my aunt called him) turns up for his daily treats and a chat (my aunt was a little scared to pet him). I went out to him, started talking to him, and next thing he’s rubbing round my legs and being very friendly, so much to my aunt’s horror, I picked him up. “He’s such a pet” … I said. “He’s not coming in!” … she said. Flash forward three weeks, cat now comes daily for his treats (sometimes up to four times a day), has an afternoon nap on my lap on a chair outside, and is sleeping outside the kitchen window on a garden kneeling pad. Our last supermarket shop before we left Scotland included a large box of food for “Eddie” (My uncle looks like Martin Craine in “Frasier” … and he temporarily had a walking stick … so he had to be “Eddie” like Eddie the dog!). My aunt is still saying “He’s not coming in …” but I think (hope) Eddie will wear her down …

  22. Jay has mentioned Kasey, she was my soul cat.

    I lost her in May of 2013, I had known her since she was about a year old in 1999/2000 and rescued her in 2008.

    It has taken me a while to come to terms with losing her and even these days, while spending to many hours driving, alone, for work, I can still become upset about it.

    However, as time has passed, I am able to talk or write about her and remember the good times when she was here.

    • Glen, when I first got on CC and learned about Brooke, Kasey and Steeler I knew I had found a great group Kasey and Steeler had the same Attitude as my Stirfry. No back up and totally dedication to their human of choice. And no one get in their way. I was devastated when we lost each one. They all belonged to the group and were all loved. I to think of Stir when alone and no other cat will ever replace her. I love all my others but I understood Stirfry and she understood me. She trusted me and her coming up to rub against me and purr as a feral cat was special.

    • Losing a soul cat like Kasey, and Stirfry, is one of the hardest things any of us will ever have to go through. The pain lessons over time, but I don’t think the hole they leave in our hearts every quite heals.

      • You’re right, Ingrid…that hole never does heal totally. It’s been over twenty years since Ted, the first of my soul cats, died, and it still hurts from time to time.

        I’ve been fortunate, I guess, in that there have been several special cats that have come into my life, but each time one of them leaves for the Bridge, there is yet another hole created that never quite heals.

  23. Hi, I;m new to the site. I an heartbroken as I had to put my Pookie to rest yesterday. I feel like a piece of me is gone. She was my baby for 14 years! She was my healer, consoler and listener for all of those 14 years. She got sick when we had to put her friend, my Keeshond Sammie, to rest due to an autoimmune disorder. She mourned Sammie terribly, she was never able to come back from that. Well now she has crossed the bridge to see Sammie but she has left me so empty. I have 2 other cats , Savanah and Ginger who also are missing her. They have been on my lap for the last 2 days and I know thay are trying to console me. My heart right now is broken. Please tell me this will get easier. I can’t bear this empty feeling.

    • I’m so sorry, Linda. Losing a cat is devastating, and I think you put it perfectly: they take a piece of our hearts with them when they leave. I’m glad you have Savanah and Ginger to comfort you. You may want to take a look around the pet loss section on this site, perhaps you will find some comfort from some of the articles:

    • So sorry Linda. I lost 2 Torties a month ago and Stirfry was my soul cat. I know how you feel. Just know that you have an angel watching over you now. Every time it rains with thunder and lightning I know that Steeler, Kasey and Stirfry are playing and watching over us.

    • Linda, I’m so sorry for your loss. Our cats are such a big part of our lives that when one of them leaves it is devastating. Be kind to yourself while you are grieving. Soon, comforting memories will come to you and you will smile when you remember Pookie. Take care, Marg.

  24. Congratulations to OUR Petties winners !!!!!!
    Ingrid won Best Overall Pet Blog and Bernadette won Best Blog Post.
    What a way to wake up and start the day.
    Way to go to you both from Bernie and I….

  25. Orange boy report;

    Taz had his annual vet exam yesterday. The vet said he is in great shape for a 16 year old senior cat.

    Tim is just over 2 years old, now. He is a smaller cat at just under 10 pounds. I don’t know how many of you have cats like this but he is not showing many signs of mentally maturing.

    He is a smart little cat but it is like he chooses to use his intelligence for unconventional activities.

    His level and type of activity is more like a 3 month old kitten than a 2+ year old. He has elevated “the zooms” to the “frantics” and plays constantly with unusual items after seeming to sit an analyze them for a while before going after them.

    Gigi plays with him but does grow tired of the tyape and duration on activities. At that point, she seeks relief on top of one of the cat trees.

    • Great news on Taz. Orange kitties are so cute. Frankie is 3 and plays like a kitten. Mental capacity is equivalent to a rock. His smarts is tracking down food. He is good at that.

  26. Miss Gracie has just returned from a post-cattery visit to the vet. Despite being apparently well behaved at the cattery and reasonably sociable, she has developed a UTI (I think these are normally stress-induced for her). She has had a check-up, some antibiotics and some meds to take for the next 10 days. I guess she’s making sure I don’t plan any more long trips any time soon!

  27. Sometimes I speculate on Gigi’s past; its an academic exercise because I have no way of getting an answer.

    She had her vet examination, which went well; she also behaved very well (oddly enough, Kasey, the “Warrior Queen” was also well behaved at the vet).

    Unlike Kasey was, Gigi, the large, long hair torti with white is a very placid and gentle cat who tolerates other animals very well. She doesn’t strikeout at you with claws or teeth, even when she is really wound up, playing.

    We don’t know anything about her first 8 months but I find it hard to think she was born feral, given her temperament; I would be interested to hear if anyone has any gentle cats that were borne feral.

    She was found when she was estimated at approx. 8 months of age in Feb. 2008. She had had a litter of kittens outside under a discarded couch, they did not survive due to the cold.

    A couple took her in and she became a pampered pet for 4 and a bit years until the wife passed away, starting the events leading up to us adopting her in March 2013.

    I guess it is possible but due to her nature, I am not sure she was born and grew fr 8 months as a feral. Perhaps she was someone’s cute little fluff-ball that got loose, or worse, discarded when she grew a bit bigger.

    Sometimes I can’t help but wonder what the initial part of her life was like.

    Today, she is a friendly, happy cat that can be surprisingly playful,given size, age, build and rather prim and proper appearance.

    • Glen, I adopted a feral cat, Muggsy, a number of years ago, and he, like Gigi was very gentle. He showed up in our yard one day looking much the worse for wear, and I started feeding him on the front porch.

      It took me over a year before I could even touch him, and, actually, the first physical contact I had with him was after I had lost one of my “soul cats” and was feeling very depressed. I had gone out to the front porch to feed Muggsy, and I sat down on the steps while he was eating, feeling extremely sad over the loss of Allie. Somehow, this feral cat knew that I was sad, and he came and sat beside me and leaned into me. This was the first physical contact I had with him and we just sat there together for quite awhile.

      After this, he did allow some occasional petting and got to the point where he would come into the house to “visit” in the evening and then go back outside. I finally determined that Muggsy deserved a forever home, and one evening after his “visit” I grabbed him and, after a quite a bit of struggle (but no biting or scratching on his part) I got him into a dog crate and the next morning he was at the vet’s getting neutered and having all vaccinations taken care of. The vet estimated that he was about six years old at the time.

      He came home with me, and after several months of living in a downstairs bedroom to get used to being an indoor cat, he joined my crew and lived with us for about twelve more years.

      So, yes, a feral CAN be gentle.

      • What a wonderful story, Gail. I love how Muggsy somehow sensed you were sad. His story is a testament to the fact that with enough love and patience, feral cats can be rehabbed and live happy lives as “pet cats.”

    • Glen, I rescued Freedom 2 years ago. She had been a feral and estimated to be about 8 at the time so most likely 10 now. She is a gentle and loving lithe one with me. Now she does interact with the youngsters, like running like the wind. Then she is done with them. Most times she is like, just open the door and put those kids out. I think she would love to be an only cat. But yes she is gentle. As for vet visits, now that is a real chore to get her into the carrier. Once at the vet, she is an angel. What is it about vets. Guess the kittens can sense they care.

      • Thanks, those are interesting comments, but it does open up the speculation 😉

        Sounds like her having a feral start is also quite possible.

        Kasey was different, she was raised around people (who sometimes did not treat her well), in an industrial type setting. However, I could always tell somehow she wanted to be a pet cat; as most know here, she got her wish and lived here, wanting for nothing, for the last 5 years of her life.

        She fit perfectly into the house cat role immediately after she was brought here; except for that bit about liking to challenge and attack the other animals. 😉

    • Hi Glen … my second cat (Cheeky … “because she was”) … was a feral who adopted me. She had a couple of litters of kittens and we contacted the NZ RSPCA and had her desexed. When they brought her back to us (they picked up and delivered as she was a feral) they told us she would never be a pet, but would probably hang around for food. Little did they know – she ended up being really affectionate with me and my family, but never trusted strangers.

      • I sometimes think that Gigi was not allowed to sit on people in her former home.

        She wants to come and visit but it is like she is not sure what to do.

        She will stand on your lap with her front legs while sitting on the chair arm with te back end; it seems pretty awkward. Then she finally settles down on the wide arm of my easy chair.

        When you are lying down, she acts like she isn’t sure what to do, rather than curl up beside you, she walks on you, the stands or sits.

        Last Sat. morning I was moving slow and was lying down watching TV. She decided she needed to visit.

        Rather than walking over to see me, she unexpectedly “launched” fro a standing jump, sailing about 4 feet through the air, landing solidly on me with all fours. The airborne arrival of 16 pounds of long haired torti makes quite an impression.

        • Glen, we humans are a little “jiggly” under a kitty’s paws and they are often uncertain of being able to balance, even on pretty solid, stable lap. Gigi likely has hair between her toes that slips under her paw pads sometimes, which would also throw off her balance because it reduces her touch and is a little slippery. But she was obviously certain she could subdue you with a big leap!

        • “The airborne arrival of 16 pounds of long haired torti makes quite an impression.” Especially if it lands on your bladder… The issue of whether cats like laps or not is always fascinating to me. Some cats never want to be lap cats, others are total lap cats, and some learn later in life. Allegra rarely sat on my lap for the first couple of years after I adopted her. It’s only been over the past year that she likes to have regular lap time. Ruby, on the other hand, is a “velcro kitty” who would just as soon be glued to my lap at all times, but as she is maturing, she is becoming a little more independent. Two cats and only one lap sometimes leads to a little sibling rivalry, though 🙂

        • My household for years has been telling me to get a bigger lap! For years I have regularly had three on my lap, and that was even before the five black cats–and that was also three tri-colors, my two torties and dilute calico Cookie, Kelly and Peaches! All three girls would pile on my lap, but they’d have to shuffle now and then. At several points since the Five have been here I’ve had four of them on my lap, in part because three could pile up, and then Mimi can balance on top of them–a 40-lb. pile of cats on my lap, and no one to take the photo! But I’ve also had ones who were just passing through and never really settled down. I’ve never taken “lap cat” as a measure of a cat’s affection or socialization.

        • Glen, I certainly hope Taz saw that and decided to replicate it. 22 lbs. of orange cat will make an impression. Can’t wait to hear about that. 🙂

    • Glen as you know – my Frankie was a feral barn cat that loved attention and even though it took a while to touch him, he never bit or scratched. Yes a feral can be domesticated. Stirfry was a Feral and never was domesticated. She just taught me to accept her as she was. No idea where she was born or came from. But she learned to trust me.

  28. We have a stray torti that has decided that our yard is its new I have been reading that the female does not have any white markings… Is this true?

    • Most tortoiseshell and tricolor cats are female, Scott. According to a study by the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Missouri, only 1 in 3000 tortoiseshell cats is male. The addition of white does not have anything to do with gender.

    • Scott, I have had 4 Torties. My 1st – Tabatha was listed as a Calico but she was a Tortie with white paws and chest. But from the top you would never know. Harry had said one time that he thought the white tamed the Tortitude, Maybe – Tabby was a gentle cat. My Stirfry was Tortie that had a few white hairs on her chest. I think she was trying to reject them and there was no backing down and she was in a select group on here. Brooke, Steeler and Kasey were our fearsome foursome. Total Tortitude and feared and respected by all other cats ( and most humans). My male Tortie Diver has no idea what Tortitude is.

  29. I’d alwyas wanted a torti as I’m a fan of the Black cat as well as the pumpkin variety. WEll boy oh boy did I walk into trouble with my Temperynce…. Shes a fiesty, hard headed little girl who is loving and sweet when she demands it…lol Its a whole new experience inthe cat world with her…but I wouldnt rrade her for the world!!! we have amorning routine with my twin boys and her ( they get the morning energie out before school playing) and her and I have our time when I go to bed…. She loves the twins but really favors the youngest I’m excited to she her blossominto afiesty little lady watch her grow…just not too fast!!!!

  30. I found marvella flea infested, skin and bones, looked like a pencil with a tennis ball hanging off her spine. off to the vet, cleaned her up, got her on some good food, love and a velvet pillow. a week later came bisquit, bob, uncle inky and so on. one of her best tricks was staring at a spot on the floor with such intensity and for such a long time that the other cats would come to see what was up. once she had a good interested audience staring at the spot, she’d flip her tail up and leave–i swear with a smile and a jaunty little walk–gotcha! she seemed to be saying.
    One other thing she did, just once in 22 years, was this: I brought a new friend home. Marvy came out of a deep couch sleep, jumped to the floor, started advancing slow and low like a big predator. got to about three feet from the woman and puffed up her fur huge and started to hiss, snarl and howl. the lady got scared and needless to say, i took my cat’s advice and never saw her again.
    i had breast surgery once and she spent the whole healing time curled around my feet. years later i broke a toe and she spent my whole healing time snuggled between my neck and shoulder. what a cat!

    • I’m sorry, I’m just now seeing this, Meril-Jean. Marvella sounds like a wonderful companion – and a healer kitty, too! I’ve always felt that cats are great judges of character, and I would bet you did the right thing by not seeing that friend again after Marvella had such a strong reaction to her.

  31. I took Styx to the vet today. She has fleas (as do all my cats) and flea meds did not seem to be working. They said she was dehydrated (eyes sunken in) and had lost weight ( from 9 lbs. 4 oz. down to 8 lbs. 6 oz. ) They gave me Vectra for all my cats as they said Frontline has not been working recently. Gave her a shot to boost her appetite. She was good at the vets and came out of her carrier, sat on the scale then on my lap till they came in to check on her.

      • I am also using Diatomaceous earth that Bernie gave me. Took a while to find a duster to spray it. Found at Ace Hardware for $16. My Dad had those but we never kept them.

        • Jay, I hope Styx is okay, did the vet tell you what might be the cause? She’s not that old, and dehydration doesn’t happen without a reason.

          I’m also not sure what you mean by spraying the diatomaceous earth. You don’t spray it in the air, that won’t do anything at all and it can actually be irritating to breathe. It’s not like flea spray. You sprinkle it on the floor where the fleas live, then vacuum it back up, just like I’d described to you and Bernie and it describes on the bag. Get a measuring cup and sprinkle it on the floor, if anything use a flour sifter or put it in an empty parmesan cheese or baby powder container so you can sprinkle it.

          Also, you need to vacuum every day, especially if you have carpets, to sweep up the live fleas and especially the flea eggs. Throw away the sweeper bag.

          Let us know how Styx is doing.

          • They are going to do a stool sample for parasites and worms. She has an appitite and does drink. Bernie wanted them to do a blood sample check for Hyperthyroidism. Maybe it’s just fleas ?
            But after losing 2 cats I don’t want to risk Styx.
            As for the diatomaceous earth Bernadette – I use a sprayer to get it on the rug/couch/behind things. Not spraying in the air but close to the ground. Vacuum with a Dyson and clean the filter after. Spraying bug killer on what’s dumped out.

            Gail – I bought a flea trap like what you mentioned. A light above it (clear – a night light bulb) with the sticky paper under it. Yes – it does work. Lots of fleas on it

            Might try the table salt. How much should I use and will it affect the cats paws? If it was sugar I have plenty of that.

          • Jay, I just take the large container of salt and sprinkle it liberally on the carpet and leave it for a day or two, then vacuum it up. The cats don’t seem to have any problem with it.

      • I’ve tried diatomaceous earth previously, which worked to some extent, but what I’ve found that seems to be even better (and cheaper) is regular table salt. The salt dries out and kills both adult fleas and the eggs.

        I’ve also picked up flea traps (Happy Jack Flea Beacon is one type) that has a plastic trap with a yellow sticky paper and a nightlight bulb. The fleas are attracted to the bright color, the heat and the light, and it works very well.

        Prior to finding the flea traps, I would use yellow or white salad plates with water and dish soap and set them up in out of the way areas with a small light over them. They worked as well, but tended to be messy and you have to check them often to make sure that the water hasn’t evaporated.

  32. I was talking to my Mom, she asked about Stirfry. I told her that her and Tabatha would be sent out today (Thursday) to be cremated. She asked if they would be in the same urn. Can you imagine that… Stirfry did NOT get along with any cat and Tabatha would have said HELL NO !!!!!!!.

  33. Today at work we had some rain and at 7 pm I was told there was a rainbow outside. I was just able to see the last of it. Right away I thought of Bernadette and what she said. Cookie & Kelly, T-me, Liberty, Pumpkin, Tabatha, Amber, Buckley and all or gentle cats greeted Stirfry. Before that there was heavy rain with Thunder and Lightning at Bernie’s. That was Steeler and Kasey saying hello the way Warrior Torties greet an equal.

    My neighbor above me posted the rainbow on his FB page. I shared it.

    Stirfry never did anything halfway. She went all out.

  34. I’m so sorry to hear about your loss Jay . There are no words for devastating situations like this. May you find some comfort knowing you have an extra guardian angel watching over you now. RIP Stirfry 🙁

    • Thank you Erin, Stirfry will always be my Guardian Angel.

      Stir was known all over the world and she will be missed.
      Her attitude was saved by pictures and video’s. I will always treasure them.

      And Bernadette painted a wonderful painting of me with her and my other critters. Me holding Stirfry and me holding Steeler. I thank her for that and thank Bernie for having it done.

      • Jay that painting was to show you what a wonderful man you really are. Surrounded by all your little ones at that time will be forever there for you to enjoy. Bernadette captured the love of your little ones in your eyes. I was only the messenger.

  35. I have devastating news to report.
    My soul cat has crossed the Bridge.
    I could not find Stirfry when I came home tonight.
    I looked under the couch where she had been the last week.
    Went down stairs and found her next to the wall near the basement door. She was cold but not stiff. Must have passed away in the last hour.
    I am heartbroken.
    There will be storms tonight and our 3 wild Torties will be together now as never would have been in life.
    Goodbye Stirfry. I loved you so much.

    • Jay

      I am very sad to read this, I know what is is like to loose a soul cat.

      They sure are unique, a special companion; it is hard to describe the bond one has with them.

      It may not help much right now but I know you gave her the best of homes that she might have otherwise never had.

    • Jay, my heart is broken even more. Your beautiful Stirfry has become your guardian angel. She is not gone forever from you, she is your guardian angel for the rest of you life. I too, loved her and I too know the pain you are feeling. So hold her close and tell her to make this skies rumble and the lightning strike.

      Beautiful baby. You went to be with Punky and Tabatha. I guess they needed you. I will forever hold you in my heart. Fly little angel. We will look for in the stars You will be the brightess star in the heavens.

    • Oh Jay. My heart is breaking for you. Losing a cat so suddenly is always devastating, but when it’s a soul cat like Stirfry – there just aren’t words. I will always be glad that she brought you to this site, and this community. She will never be forgotten.

    • I said this on Jay’s Facebook page, but it bears repeating – Stir took a little piece of all of us when she left.

      And then, there was one. RIP, Buckley, Amber, Steeler, Kasey and Stirfry.

        • Thank you Bernadette and Harry.
          Stir was in a very select class. We have typical Torties (my Styx, Glen’s Gigi, Bernie’s DJ and Justice. We have our oh so gentle Torties – Cookie & Kelly, My Diver, Piper and so many others. And then the very rare type – Torties with 100% Tortitude. Stirfry brought me to this wonderful group. I learned she was not alone – Steeler, Kasey and Brooke. Love hard and play hard. Don’t back down. She will be my forever cat.

          • Jay,

            Stirfry, Steeler, Kasey and Brooke are making a lot of rumbling around here. They are marching together. Tell them Bernie’s says to cool it on the strong lightning. OK. Thunder and Fierce Lightning Strikes here now.‏

            Bernadette the rainbows followed. But those storms were a real waker upper this afternoon.

          • Tortieshell kittens. This post is to tell you about 4 torties, who were the
            epitome of Tortitude in their lifetimes. So Jay and I are sharing this with you.
            Steeler was my Tortie, she passed on April 30, 2012. That evening there were horrible lightning and thunder storms. I always said from then on when it is a thunder storm it is Steeler causing a rumble.

            Now there are my Steeler, Jay Davenport’s Stirfry, Glen’s Kasey and the Shubin’s Brooke all the terroristic and warrior Torties in the heavens. So Stirfry joined this elite group of Torties yesterday. Today, we had horrible thunder and lighting storms. Those 4 got together and let us know Stir had arrived. There are also some very gentle loving Torties there Bernadette E. Kazmarski’s Torties, Cookie and Kelly. They are the ones that brought the rainbow after the storm.
            We hear you all and your rainbow was there for you Stir. We will all meet at that rainbow bridge one day.

          • I cannot just post this without adding the two very gentle Torties who are also at the Rainbow Bridge. Ingrid King’s Amber and Buckley brought the sunshine after the storms for Stirfry

            It was through Ingrid King’s losses of Amber and Buckley that brought Jay, Bernadette, Harry, Glen, and myself to know each other from this site.

            We have all came here and here we became a family and today we remain family, a family in mourning for the loss of Jay’s soul cat Stirfry.

            Ingrid our family is hurting again and to often. But thank you for giving us this place to come to be together.

          • There has been too much loss lately, Bernie. My heart goes out to everyone. I’m glad that this site has provided a place to offer support, and hopefully, eventually, healing.

          • Hey everyone on the posts I have posted I made a unforgivable mistake. Harry Shubin’s Brooke is not at the rainbow bridge. She is very much at home with Harry and his family. I truly regret this. Harry and family I am so sorry for my stupid mistake.

    • Jay, I’m so sorry to hear this. This has been a bad year for kitties, it seems. Several months ago, Nicky became suddenly ill and left for the bridge, and just a little over a week ago, my little Max left as well.

  36. I have a female she got so beautiful old gold eyes she loves attention in cuddles and loves play fighting she different!! She got a cheeky personality, ,, when I talk to her she looks in listens to me she 26 week she so unique she sneeks up every morning for lots of cuddles in when I stare at her she makes a cutie nosie n runs to me she loves getting picked up to she so adorable I love her to bits so spoilt to

      • I sEnt you some pictures she so intelligent and understands me iv never had a cat b4 always dogs im so attached to her n love her .. she crys all night till I let her in the bedroom so she can lie with me. She gets alott of attention and spoilt rotten fed well n has her milk in the morning in little snacks . I really want another one just took me few months to beg my bf for a cat he adores her to I wud love another one she only 28 weeks old maybe when she bit older..

          • Jodie, I have had 6 indoor cats and who knows how many Ferals I feed. Stir was the 1st feral I took in. She at 1st did not trust me and hated the other cat (Tabatha ) and my Bichon Samantha. But she learned to trust me and love me. She knew I would protect her and over the many years we had a special connection. Others on here had that 1 “Special” cat that connected with them. Not that my others aren’t loved and spoiled. For me it was Stirfry.

  37. I had some entertainment a couple of days ago.

    A moth got into the house and was fluttering around, getting Gigi’s attention.

    The sight of a large, 16 pound long haired torti, with short, solid legs ponderously, but energetically, trying to catch a moth was quite amusing.

    • It is so much fun to watch them stalk and jump after a moth. Diver watches tries also. Same with Arian. And I dread Frankie trying to jump as my floor might give way.

  38. My tortie is Dani. She is 4.5 years old, we rescued each other. I, her from certain…and she has rescued me from loneliness. We have been together a week now, however our bond seems much longer. She is the sweetest, obedient, most beautiful cat ever. Until reading this site, I did not know of a tortie’s rep. Unless she cuts loose, she is the most serene cat I have been around. I thank God for guiding me to the Humane Society.

    • Ann, you will learn how special Torties are. They love with their whole heart and will claim their human as their own. You have been blessed with Dani and her with you. Rescuing is such a wonderful thing. It works both ways 🙂

      • So true. Ours came to us as an older abandoned cat. She clearly told us as if she were speaking English that she was a good cat, she needed a home, or would die. I am being literal: she is that good at communicating. She is a classic black/gold and she owns us and the house.

        • Andy Eugene: My beautiful torte Evie called out to me as I was riding my bike home one night in early November 2013. I heard what she said as plain as if she was speaking to me in English: “You! Lady on the bike! Come here!” She was so frail and bedraggled I could not tell whether she was an older kitten or a little old lady. She walked the few blocks to my home alongside me and my bike, listening to me and stopping at cross streets to check for traffic as I directed.

          She turned out to be a young girl, about 1.5 years-old at this writing. She held her own alongside my bonded 7 year-old sister cats and is now an equal in a three alpha cat house, each kitty with her own unique personality and way. She is both easy going and fearless and she does savor life and all its pleasures with the extra enthusiasm and appreciation of a rescue cat and a torte. I love my hedonistic little girl and look forward to seeing how her personality and high intelligence continue to unfold and develop.

  39. Ingrid, Tabatha had been sleeping in the basement for the last 2 days. I would see her there in the morning. Nothing unusual as she would come to the downstairs door to go out and eat grass. I had not let her out in the last couple days as I was busy and did not want to forget about her and accidently leave her out as I did a month ago. Well, I did not see her last night as I emptied the kitty litter but did look for her to maake sure she was not in the 2 rooms with doors. Well today at 11 am I saw her in the kitchen at the water bowl. I picked her up to give her kisses and noticed she had lost weight. She had a smell about her that was the same as when my Bishon – Samatha did before she crossed the Bridge. I took her back to the bedroom and put her on the bed. Kissed her and told her she was loved. She was purring. About 30 min later I took her outside on the deck and laid down with her. She cried when I moved her but settled down and purred for me. Bernie called and I told her Tabby was going. Bernie said goodbye to her and I spent the next 45 min with her. She got up one but settled down. After a while she struggled and cried out. A painfull cry and her legs straightened out and kicked. I held her and kissed and and told her she would see her Pumpkin and Liberty playing together and little T-me who needed a Mom. Tabby purred and slowly settled down. Her eyes were a bright green. After a couple minutes she relaxed and I saw her cat eyes had gone. Kissed her and brought her inside. Called the Vet and they said to bring her her in to be cremated. I did. She is now happy and playing with jewelery – she had expensive taste in diamonds and gold. I will miss my gentle Tortie w white.

    • Jay’a Tabatha was a beautiful, gentle, loving tortie with white. She loved to take my watch and diamond bracelet and play with and then lay on them. I would let her have them until I would need them. Jay told me she was a momma to Pumpkin after Stirfry gave up motherhood and she raised Punky in her image. Gentle, loving and beautiful soul. She was always on the table and first to be petted. I loved her and she showered me with her kitty love. I will miss her too. The one thing is and Tabby Cat will have forever is she was looking into Jay loving eyes as she crossed over the Rainbow Bridge, so it is Jay’s loving eyes she will forever see. Rest well, baby, you are loved and will always be missed. Pumpkin, Liberty are there to be with you and a little baby T-Me is there for you to be his momma there. Steeler let me know she is watching over you all with her thunderstorms today. So farewell beautiful baby. We will look for you in the brightest angels star in the skies.

  40. At 1:19 on 8/27/14 Tabatha became an Angel. She went to play with Punky and Liberty and become a mommy for little T-me.

  41. We have a 4 month female calico kitten. She definitely does have tortitude. She is very feisty! We all adore her and she is so much a part of the family already.

    • There’s some debate as to whether calicos might have even more tortitude than torties, Jackie. Some say the addition of white enhances the tortitude effect! 🙂

  42. Kim, way to go on rescuing that little kitten. You will find out Torties are special and live life to the fullest. Play hard and love hard. Torri sound like a wonderful cat and maybe she will be one of those few Torties that have Tortitude to the MAX.
    Bernie’s Steeler, Glen’s Kasey, Harry’s Brooke and my Stirfry are examples of that. TOP CAT in the house and don’t let you forget it.

  43. Melissa, your male Tortie sounds great. Jay and Ingrid are giving very good advice. Now if for some reason you would part with your male Tortie, Jay would walk over fire stones to get him. LOL

    • Always have room for another cat and Torties are extra special. And Diver would love another male to play with. Female can be hard to get along with. Stir and Styx especially.

    • Actually, what Melissa is describing sounds like play aggression, Jay, that’s why I provided the link to that article. While some of the remedies are the same, it’s a different cause.

      • Ingrid, I knew that – You/Harry/Bernadette all have told us to play with items and not hands. I did not do that with Stir, but then – it probably would not have mattered. But then – I did not have experts to explain what a Tortie was when I 1st took her in. All I knew was I had a very aggressive Anti-Social cat that a Vet explained was a Tortie. Then I found you and this wonderful blog. 🙂

  44. Welcome Melissa, I am also the caretaker of a Male Tortie. His name is Diver and he has NO Tortitude. There are getting to be quite a few male torties on Ingrid’s blog and I am interested in knowing how they differ than their female sisters. Are they big, gentle or aggressive, playful etc. My Diver loves everyone – even my Tortie Stirfry who hates all cats. He has huge paws and is going to be a big boy. Please tell us more about your guy. What is his name ?

  45. We are fortunate enough to be loved by a male tortiseshell cat, who definitely has ‘tortitude’. He has taken it upon himself to be the guardian of the household, and nanny of my little boy – no stricter bedtime monitor in the world! While my fiance doesn’t seem to mind letting our feisty tortie wrestle with him (apparently not minding the shredded hands), I have informed our beloved kitty that “Mom” doesn’t play rough – and I still wouldn’t want his personality any other way.

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