
I’m delighted to announce that The Conscious Cat is a Finalist for Best Cat Blog in the 2016 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards. These awards were created by the founders of BlogPaws to judge pet bloggers and people who write about pets online for their expertise, creativity, performance and achievements in one or more of 12 categories. Judging is done by a panel of industry experts.

“This is one of the highest honors in the pet social media world, awarded across twelve categories to some of the most talented pet writers and bloggers on the planet,” BlogPaws’ co-founder, Yvonne DiVita said. “With some categories receiving hundreds of nominees, this honor is very prestigious for all finalists.”

Winners will be announced at the BlogPaws 2016 conference in Phoenix, AZ during a live red carpet event on Saturday evening, June 25, 2016. Winners will receive a one of a kind personalized trophy as well as a package of other prizes.

Ultimately, this nomination belongs to you, my readers. If it wasn’t for you being a part of our Conscious Cat community, and reading, commenting on and sharing our posts every day, we wouldn’t be here. Allegra, Ruby and I so very much appreciate your support – and a special thank you to all of you who took the time to nominate us for this award.

For a complete list of nominees in all 12 categories, please visit Congratulations to all the finalists!

16 Comments on The Conscious Cat is a Finalist for Best Cat Blog in the BlogPaws 2016 Nose-to-Nose Awards

  1. Lots of luck for this; you deserve to get top prize, you are sooo dedicated in all respects, and your knowledge and information are always excellent

  2. Ingrid,

    Congratulations, for being a finalist! My paws are crossed, that you are the winning blog for 2016! Truly enjoy, The Conscious Cat! Allerga, Ruby, and especially you Ingrid, put your heart and soul in The Conscious Cat!

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