
Whether your kids are human or furry, enjoy your special day!

Father’s Day can be bittersweet for those of us whose fathers are no longer with us. My dad passed away 15 years ago, but I still get a little sad each year when Father’s Day cards start popping up in stores.

One thing that was always a “problem” with Father’s Day once I moved to the US was that the holiday is celebrated on a different day in Germany. Germany’s “Vatertag” coincides with Ascension Day (Himmelfahrt), which is a national holiday, and it’s usually two or three weeks ahead of when we celebrate Father’s Day in the US. There were a few years when I simply forgot about this difference, and I always felt horrible when I realized I’d forgotten to call my dad on Vatertag. Thankfully, he never had a problem with getting to celebrate later than the rest of German fathers – if anything, I think maybe it made him feel a little special.

Ingrid King with her father
Dad and me, during our last visit together

If you still have your father, tell him that you love him today. If you are a father, enjoy your special day! And if your dad is no longer with you, I hope your day is filled with precious memories of your time together.

9 Comments on Happy Father’s Day 2019

  1. Dad looks special and I’m sure he was and my heart is with you on this Father’s Day 2019; my dad passed many years back, but it seems just like yesterday when he gave me my good morning kiss. Sometimes, I can still feel his sweet lips on my cheek and his nicely shaven face. Fathers never leave; they just take a long walk into the sunrise. Take care Ingrid, my friend.

  2. I lost my Dad, too, a while ago (he died when I was 36, I’m 48 now).. I get very, very sad, since he wad truly the coolest, funniest, most understanding and loving Dad ever. I know he’s enjoying a Glenlivet above the clouds right now

  3. I have a hard time remembering to tell my friends who live in other countries Happy Mother’s Day or Father’s Day because I always forget they celebrate on different days. I’m glad your father was a good sport and even enjoyed celebrating on a different day than the rest of the fathers in Germany.

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