Sunday Purrs: Yoga for You and Your Cat


Guest post by Paige Guthrie Hodges

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few decades you’ve no doubt heard about the benefits of yoga. Our overall health and well being can thrive with a regular yoga practice, but did you ever stop and ponder how your feline friends can reap the rewards as well? Just the mere possibility is enough to make one roll out the yoga mat and start practicing some serious downward facing cat poses!

Cats are the ultimate yogis and they certainly don’t need us to mentor them in the art of relaxation, meditation, or how to stretch their bodies. They do, however, need us to create the ideal home environment so we can support them in being the little yogis they were meant to be.

Yoga is the purr-fect practice for investing in you while also benefitting Kitty at the same time. Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Ruby on Happiness


Happiness does not light gently on my shoulder like a butterfly.
She pounces on my lap, demanding that I scratch behind her ears. –Anonymous

What is happiness? The answer to this broad question is, of course, subjective, although I’d say for most of us, the above quote captures its meaning purr-fectly.

Today, Ruby would like to share her definition.

In Ruby’s world, happiness is:

  • sitting in Mom’s lap while she’s working, watching tv, reading, or any other time. Mom’s lap is the best place on earth!
  • playing with my sister. I especially like chasing her around the house.
  • watching the birds on our deck. I just know that one day, I’ll actually manage to catch one!Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Take Time For Yourself


Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take
between two deep breaths. – Etty Hillesum

We all have busy lives, and there are days when it feels like we’ll never get everything done. For most people, the first thing to fall by the wayside during busy times is time for yourself. I’ve never met a cat who says”I’m too busy to take a moment to stretch in the sun.” Why can’t we be more cat like when it comes to taking care of ourselves?

The following ten tips can help you carve out some time for yourself even when the world is screaming for your attentionime. I offer this thought to you: you can’t afford not to take the time. Your sanity, and your health, may depend on it.

  1. Say no to anything that’s not important. I’ve always liked Steven Covey’s system of sorting items on your to do list into urgent, important, not urgent, and not important categories. Surprisingly, it’s the items in the “important but not urgent” quadrant, not the things that are “urgent and important,” that should receive your greatest attention. For example, daily playtime with your cats is important but not urgent. Feeding your cats, however, is important and urgent! For a more detailed (and less cat-centric) explanation of Covey’s important/urgent matrix, visit Practice This or go straight to the source and read Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
  2. Ask for help. Frequently, people who are constantly busyContinue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Fuzzy Resolutions


Guest post by Angie Bailey

I’m not really one for New Year’s resolutions. I guess I believe in intentions that can change in any moment. I don’t need to wait until New Year’s Eve to decide what’s important to me and set goals for myself. But since many people use the new year as a kickoff point, I thought I’d once again look to my wise felines for cues as to what I’d like to intend for myself in the new year.

Be present with one thing at a time

I know I’m a good multi-tasker, but that doesn’t mean it’s always a great attribute. Sometimes when I’m busy with one activity, I’m thinking about something else. Cats are laser-focused on whatever they currently have their paws on, and when they’re finished, they move on to the next thing. Presence is something for which I constantly strive. Keeping one browser tab open at a time on the computer is a start. It’s way too easy to pop over to Facebook and waste some major time when I have an article deadline. I can find myself easily distracted — and that does nothing for my time management or presence. Cats don’t care about multi-tasking, tabs or time management — they just live in the flow, which is an excellent example for all of us.

Stare into space more oftenContinue Reading

Sunday Purrs: How Are Your New Year’s Resolutions Holding Up?


The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. – Lao Tzu

The new year is only five days old today. How are your New Year’s resolutions holding up?

I’m all about reinventing yourself, and finding your bliss, and the clean slate of a new year seems to be as good a time for it as any. And therein probably lies one of the reasons why so many New Year’s resolution fail. Why only pick January 1 to change your life? You can change your life on any given day – it’s YOUR choice, YOUR time.

I stopped making New Year’s resolutions a few years ago. Since I still like the idea of a “fresh start” a new year offers, I set New Year’s intentions instead. I think New Year’s resolutions are destined to fail, because there’s an inherent flaw in the term “resolution.”Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: declutter your life before the New Year


The week between Christmas and New Year can be a good time to clear the clutter from your life – and that includes both physical and mental clutter.

The physical surroundings we live in every day in our homes, offices and cars have a strong impact on us. Cluttered environments drain your energy. Just think about the last time you organized a drawer or cleaned your car – do you remember how accomplished you felt, and how you were able to approach the rest of your day from a much lighter perspective? That’s because you released stagnant, cluttered energy.

Allegra, Ruby and I have been working on decluttering for the past few days. Continue Reading

Ruby’s Reflections: Undercover Kitty


Hi everyone, it’s Ruby! Mom said I should tell you about where I sleep at night, because she thinks it’s just “so darn cute!” I don’t really know why she thinks it’s so cute. I don’t do it to be cute, I do it to stay warm!

When we go to bed at night, Allegra curls up on one side of Mom, and I curl up on her other side. Usually, Mom has her arms around me, and Allegra is wedged against her back. It’s nice and cozy, and a good way to start the night. But as the night goes on, I get a little chilly, and for the past few nights, I decided that Mom must be on to something, because she sleeps under a nice, warm comforter.

So I decided to check things out. I very quietly crawled under the comforter, being careful not to wake Mom. Continue Reading


Sunday Purrs: holiday memories


Cats and Christmas trees can make for a challenging combination, but I love the holiday season, and one of my favorite parts has always been the annual decorating of the Christmas tree.  Until the tree is up, it just doesn’t feel like Christmas to me, and even though it’s been a little more challening for the past couple of years with two young cats, I’ve made it work.

I’ve collected ornaments for the past thirty some years, and inevitably, bringing out the ornaments each year leads to a lovely, if  sometimes bittersweet, trip down memory lane. I grew up in Germany, and traditionally, our Christmas tree was not decorated until Christmas Eve. As a small child, I was not allowed into the living room while the tree was being decked out in its holiday glory. I can still remember the eager and impatient anticipation of the moment when my parents would ring a small brass bell that hung on the tree, and I could finally enter the room. It was pure magic each time. The tree was decorated with multi-colored glass balls, sparkling tinsel, and real candles – something that we can’t even imagine in these safety conscious times we live in.

When I moved to the United States in my mid-twenties, I was introduced to the traditionContinue Reading

Ruby’s Reflections: sometimes a girl just needs a hug

hugging cat

Hi everyone, it’s Ruby! Today, I want to tell you about hugging. I just discovered it, and it’s so nice! Well, I guess I didn’t just discover it: Mom hugs me all the time. But until recently, I’ve never hugged her back. Don’t get me wrong, I love it when she hugs me. I purr, and rub my face against her arms, and sometimes, I get so excited from being hugged, I roll over on my back. But in all that time, I never tried hugging her back.

Until last week. I was sitting on Mom’s lap while she was working away at the computer, and even though it was nice and cozy, I was feeling a little ignored. So I sat up, and looked up at Mom. When she still didn’t stop typing, I stretched myself as tall as I could! Then I leaned against her, rubbed my head against her neck, and reached my paws up. That did  it. She stopped typing, and hugged me back. You can see from the smile on her face that she really liked being hugged by me!Continue Reading