positive thinking

Sunday Purrs: How Are Your New Year’s Resolutions Holding Up?


The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. – Lao Tzu

The new year is only five days old today. How are your New Year’s resolutions holding up?

I’m all about reinventing yourself, and finding your bliss, and the clean slate of a new year seems to be as good a time for it as any. And therein probably lies one of the reasons why so many New Year’s resolution fail. Why only pick January 1 to change your life? You can change your life on any given day – it’s YOUR choice, YOUR time.

I stopped making New Year’s resolutions a few years ago. Since I still like the idea of a “fresh start” a new year offers, I set New Year’s intentions instead. I think New Year’s resolutions are destined to fail, because there’s an inherent flaw in the term “resolution.”Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: I Create My World: The Power of Thoughts to Shape Our Lives


Much has been written about the power of positive thinking and affirmations as tools to a better life. We may not be able to control the world around us, but we can control our thoughts, so why not choose positive ones? Another argument for positive thinking is that it sends out a happier vibration, and since most cats tend to pick up their humans’ energy, cleaning up your thoughts doesn’t just benefit you, it will also make your cats happy.

With I Create My World: The Power of Thoughts to Shape Our Lives, artist Connie Bowen has created a wonderful little book filled with affirmations and colorful, whimsical paintings. Even though the book is not a cat book, there are a couple of adorable cat paintings featured, which is why I decided to share this little gem of a book with you.

The book is aimed at children, and it’s a great way to introduce young children to the concept of positive thinking and affirmations, but I think adults will be equally delighted by this lighthearted approach to the topic. Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Possibility


I am where I am because I believe in all possibilities. –  Whoopi Goldberg

Guest post by Angie Bailey

As humans, we sometimes make choices based on beliefs that are self-limiting and rob us of the radiant joy we so generously deserve. Dwelling in possibility and opening ourselves to unlimited good can definitely feel a little un-comfort zone-y, but relaxing and embracing our divine infinite potential is a sure-fire key to real happiness.

One of my favorite quotations comes from inner peace guru Wayne Dyer. He talks about “having a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing.” This means that, even if an outcome looks differently than we expected, we stay in the flow and meet it with gratitude and grace, knowing there is always possibility at every turn. And later, we are usually grateful for the turn of events.

I observe my cats doing this very thing.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Get Happy

Get Happy

How many of you remember the theme song to The Partridge Family TV show? “Hello world, here’s a song that we’re singing. Come on, get happy!” And how many of you had a crush on David Cassidy?

But I digress. This post is about getting happy. Is there a formula for happiness?  Is there one sure-fire way to achieve everything we want in life?  Well, actually, there just might be.  And it’s as simple, or as complicated, as getting happy.  Simple, because we all have the power to do it.  Complicated, because our conditioning tells us it’s not that easy.

Everything around us is energy, including our thoughts. If we focus our thoughts on things that make us happy, our energy shifts to a better place, and we tend to attract more happiness.   But how do we do this in a world that seems to be so full of unhappy things?

We do it by making a conscious decision that we want to be happy.  We have the power to choose our thoughts – so why not choose thoughs that make us feel good?  We can make these conscious choices in every single moment – by choosing to focus on what is working in our lives rather than complaining about what isn’t, by choosing books and television programs that make us feel good rather than depressed or upset, by choosing to be with people who uplift us rather than drag us down into negativity.

Once we focus predominantly on that which makes us feel good, we’ll find that the world around us changes.  Life flows more easily.   We attract people and situations into our reality that are pleasant rather than frustrating.   Our lives work better.  We get happy.

And if you need a little help with feeling good, you don’t have to look any further than to your cats.  They’re masters at making themselves feel good.

What will you to today to get happy?