Purrs of Wisdom

Sunday Quotes: Puzzle


Even though we do our best here to educate and inform you about cats and their health, behavior and lifestyle every day, I believe that no matter how much we know about cats, there will ultimately always be an air of mystery about them. And isn’t that what makes them the fascinating creatures they are?

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Sunday Purrs: A (Mostly) Unplugged Weekend


There’s no doubt that technology is awesome.I wouldn’t want to imagine my life without it. From connecting with friends near and far via email and social media to shopping, technology has become as much a part of my every day life as breathing and eating. But of course, as with so many things in life, there’s such a thing as too much of a good thing. And while it sounds easy to say “I’m going to unplug for the weekend,” the reality, at least for me, has been that no matter how hard I try, I find it quite challenging.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Wisdom from Charlie Chaplin


I recently came across a piece of writing attributed to Charlie Chaplin, titled “As I Began to Love Myself.” Chaplin supposedly wrote this on his 70th birthday, although nobody seems to know for sure whether he actually did. It resonated deeply with me, but it also struck me how much of this wisdom is modeled for us by our cats. Maybe it’s an occupational hazard of being a cat writer that everything eventually comes back to cats for me – but I just  had to share it with you.Continue Reading

Sunday Quotes: Happiness


Quotes resonate with us because they can express the essence of a subject with a few, well-chosen words. They can motivate or inspire. They can help us change our thinking, and sometimes, they simply makes us smile.

I’m introducing a new Sunday feature today, “Sunday Quotes.” I’ll try to inspire you (or make you smile) by combining quotes with beautiful images of cats. And of course, I had to start the series with an image of my beautiful Allegra. Continue Reading