Purrs of Wisdom

Sunday Purrs: How to Be Content


When I think about what contentment looks like, I think of a purring cat. If there’s anything that illustrates happiness better, I don’t know what that would be. And it doesn’t take much for cats to be content: a sunny spot on the floor, a full tummy, a lap to curl up on – those are the ingredients for contentment when you’re a cat.

Why is it so hard for humans to reach that same state of contentment?Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall


I believe that every single person in your life is your mirror to some extent. Others reflect back aspects of our own consciousness to us, giving us an opportunity to see ourselves in a different light, and ultimately, to grow. Sometimes, that reflection may come from someone we admire. Other times, it may come from someone who aggravates us and pushes all our buttons.

And just like humans, cats can also be a mirror for us. Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: The Importance of Self Care


Most of us know how important self-care is to our physical, emotional and mental health. Then why are so few of us good at actually doing it (unless we’re a cat?)

Is it because we’re conditioned to think that it’s selfish to put ourselves first? The reality is that unless you make taking care of yourself a priority, you won’t have anything left to give to those around you. It’s like the oxygen mask on an airplane analogy: you’re supposed to put your own mask on before you help others.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Stretch Your Body, Stretch Your Mind


I’m delighted to introduce a new Sunday feature today: Sunday Purrs of Wisdom. We’ll be featuring photos of beautiful kitties, sometimes Allegra (above) and Ruby, sometimes others, paired with quotes.

Quotations resonate with us because they can express the essence of a subject with a few, well-chosen words. When paired with an image, they can touch an even deeper part of us. Quotes can make us look at life from a different perspective. They can teach us something new. And sometimes, they can even make us smile.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: The Mindful Pause


There’s no question that meditation is good for us. t helps us handle the stress of daily life, it has numerous health benefits, and it is a wonderful way to get in touch with our true spiritual nature. In fact, there is so much evidence that meditation is good for you that meditation should be as much a part of our daily lives as breathing.

And yet, many of us find excuses to not establish a daily meditation practice.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: The Secret of the Keys


If you’re looking for a little Sunday inpurration today, may I suggest snuggling up with your kitties and a favorite beverage and watching The Secret of the Keys? And if you’re wondering why I’m telling you about a movie that doesn’t have a single cat in it, it’s because this film is packed with so much guidance and encouragement, I just had to share it with you.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Eliminate “I Don’t Have the Time” From Your Vocabulary


How many times have you said “I don’t have the time to…” insert your choice of activity that you think you don’t have time for in your busy day? Do you ever wonder how busy people seem to get it all done? We all have the same amount of hours in a day. Super successful people like Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg and Oprah all  have the same 24 hours in the day as you and I do. So why do we constantly feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day, and how do these super achievers get everything done and we can’t seem to?Continue Reading