
Thanksgiving Weekend and Buckley, 10 Years Later


Then years ago, on the Friday after Thanksgiving, I had to let my beloved Buckley go. Ever since then, Thanksgiving has always been associated with Buckley for me. And it’s not just because Thanksgiving Day 2008 was the last full day I spent with her. It’s also because when I count my blessings, the many gifts this gimpy little cat who captured my heart from the moment I first saw her brought into my life are always at the top of the list.Continue Reading

Buckley and Thanksgiving Weekend: Forever Linked


It’s hard to believe that it’s been eight years since Buckley passed away. Thanksgiving will always be associated with Buckley for me, and not just because Thanksgiving Day 2008 was the last full day I spent with her. It’s also because I am so thankful for the many gifts this gimpy little cat who captured my heart from the moment I first saw her brought into my life. Continue Reading

In Memory of Buckley

Buckley in front of the maple tree

Six years ago, on the Friday after Thanksgiving, Buckley passed away after a long illness. For all those years, I’ve always commemorated her anniversary on the Friday after Thanksgiving, regardless of the actual date. This year, the anniversary falls on the actual date, November 28, and somehow, even though it’s been six years, this confluence makes this anniversary more poignant for me.

Thanksgiving will always be associated with Buckley for meContinue Reading

Remembering Buckley

Buckley relaxing

It has been four years since Buckley’s passing. She died on November 28, 2008, which was the Friday after Thanksgiving that year. Rather than observing her anniversary on the actual date, I will always mark this event on Thanksgiving weekend. Even though I still miss her every day, after four years, the sadness is tempered by appreciation and gratitude for the amazing changes she has brought to my life, and, through her book, to the lives of so many others.

Without her, I might not have become a writer. Without her, The Conscious Cat might not exist. Even though Amber inspired this site, its original purpose, in addition to sharing my passion for and knowledge about cat health, was to build a following prior to publishing Buckley’s Story. Most importantly, without her, my heart might not have been opened to the many wonderful lessons she taught me during her brief time with me.

Those of you who have read Buckley’s Story already know Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: what has your cat taught you about life?


I have always believed that cats come into our lives to teach us. First and foremost, they teach us about unconditional love. But they also teach us to stretch and grow, to reach beyond our self-imposed limits, and to expand our consciousness.

I’ve been blessed that I got to share my life with the original feline master teacher, Buckley, and the original conscious cat, Amber. Both of these cats changed my life in ways I never could have imagined.

And both inspired books. Many of you have already read Buckley’s Story. I’m currently working on a new book which will feature Amber, and will be both a prequel and sequel to Buckley’s Story. You’ll be hearing more about it very soon!

Buckley’s and Amber’s lessons ranged fromContinue Reading

Allegra’s Baby

tortoiseshell cat with catnip toy

Allegra has a very special toy. It’s not fancy; in fact, it’s an ancient toy that actually belonged to Feebee, who has been gone for twelve years now. She dug it out of the toy basket one day, and apparently decided that it was going to be her “baby.” It’s a soft, plush little stuffed mitten with a tail that has a pompon at the end. She never actually plays with it, but yet, it’s clearly very special to her.

She picks it up and carries it around the house, chirping and singing and sometimes yowling. It sounds a bit plaintive, a sad little cry, as if she had lost something. The first time I heard it, I thought she’d hurt herself! As soon as I look for her when she does this, she drops the toy and stops, which is why I haven’t been able to get a video of her with the toy.

Amber had her own version of this special toy: a green and tan fuzzy mouse that I got for her when she first came to live with me. For the entire ten years that she was with me, that mouse was her special “baby.” Like Allegra, she’d pick it up, carry it around the house, crying and yowling. Amber would often sleep with her “baby,” something I’ve not seen Allegra do. Continue Reading

The Cat Who Changed My Life

Buckley relaxing

Five years ago today, a small tortoiseshell cat came into my home, and my heart, and changed my life in ways I never could have imagined.

Those of you who read Buckley’s Story: Lessons from a Feline Master Teacher already know that bringing her home was not smooth sailing for us. For those of you who haven’t, I’d like to share this excerpt about the day she finally became a full time member of our family:

It finally came down to one phone call from the animal hospital about a week later. A client had inquired about adopting Buckley. That was all I had needed to hear to make up my mind. On October 9, 2006, Buckley came home for good.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Embrace Change

cat using facebook

Let go of fear, embrace change, and move toward joy. – Buckley

How do you feel about change? I have a love/hate relationship with it. I often think that one of the many reasons why I love cats is that they are creatures of habit who don’t like having their routines disrupted. I like my life, and I like my routines. At the same time, most, if not all, change in my life has always been for the better.

The reality is that, as the saying goes, the only constant in life is change. Ironically, most of us don’t spend a whole lot of time thinking about change, but we sure react to it.Continue Reading