
I’m five years old today! Mom says she can’t believe it. She says it seems like only yesterday that I came to live with her as a rambunctious little kitten.


Mom says I’ve grown into a lovely young lady. She says my manners have improved considerably since the early days, when I chewed off the edges of furniture and attacked Mom’s ankles. There was a time when Mom was so frustrated that she actually got some advice on how to deal with me from Cat Daddy Jackson Galaxy!


Mom says I’ve come a long way since then. I don’t really know what that means. I think I’ve always been purrfect. Okay, in the interest of complete honesty, I do know that I was a handful when I was little. I just couldn’t help myself. I love that Mom was willing to do whatever it took to help me settle down and be happy. I know it wasn’t always easy for her. I love my Mom so much.

I can’t wait to see what Mom and Ruby have planned for me today!

32 Comments on Allegra’s World: It’s my 5th Birthday

  1. Oh Allegra! I am so, so sorry to be late with my birthday wishes!! It is just so hard for me to get on the computer nowadays to visit blogs and I hope you will accept my apology!!

    Hope you had a great day!

    Purrs from Deb and the Zee and Zoey Gang!

  2. Thank you for all the birthday wishes. The birthday girl is currently recovering from all the excitement by taking a long nap in a sun puddle. 🙂

  3. Pipers and I wish you a very happy 5th birthday. Pipers advice to you is never loose your inner kitten. At 10 years old, she has plenty left inside of her. She woke me up at 1 am by pouncing on my feet under the covers. I have adopted out many a torti to very loving homes. My favorite (shhh…don’t tell the others) is named Phantom. Her favorite trick is to turn on her Mom’s printer and watch all the papers come out. She is loving and sweet and very spunky. May your day be filled with love, special treats and lots of naps.

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLEGRA! I remember when you came to live with your sister and your Mom…..time really does fly and just look at you now. All grown up and prettier than ever! Have a lovely and most special celebration today dear girl………..

    Hugs, Sammy

  5. Happy birthday, Allegra! I heard the tortie that lives here was even MORE rambunctious than you were when she was a kitten! All I know about her right now is that she has hissed at me a few times and she’s old, even if she doesn’t think she is! But I’ve only seen her for a few brief minutes. Maybe she is nicer than she lets on? The humans here seem to like her.

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