
We’re not huge football fans here, although Ruby has been trash talking about wanting to join the Carolina Panthers. She says she would make a great wide receiver: after all, she’s fast, and she’s great at catching flying objects! We’ll probably watch at least part of the game for the commercials, and of course, we’re looking forward to the Kitten Bowl. Since I’m always looking for the lessons in everything, I spent a little time reflecting on what lessons we might find on Big Game Sunday.

On the face of it, football would seem like the least spiritual of all sports. It’s a pretty violent game, and it seems to be all about competition and winning. And yet, Big Game Sunday has become a national holiday, and there’s something about a hundred million people watching the same event that makes me think that there has to be something more to it than just a game.

Last year, I wrote about what the Big Game and the Kitten Bowl can teach us, and I believe that the article is just as relevant this year as it was a year ago.

Click here to read Big Game, Kitten Bowl and Spirituality

So whether you’re watching the Kitten Bowl, the Panthers and Broncos, or whether you’re staying away from anything football related today, spend some time reflecting on the fact that ultimately, there are lessons in everything in life. And if you’re rooting for one of the teams in today’s game, may your team win!

4 Comments on Sunday Purrs: Lessons from the Big Game

  1. Well, kids – the only lesson I learned from football is that as a society we need to have that outlet of people whacking each other and crashing to the ground while being assured they are probably not mortally wounded. I’m a history buff so I can’t help making comparisons between our games and the ones the Roman emperors provided their society. How far removed from gladiators are football players? They make a lot more money and they get to live another day. Hopefully. Happy Kitten Bowl.

  2. I can’t wait to see Kitten Bowl today. In previous years, I didn’t have the Hallmark channel, so I missed out on the fun. I don’t care about football either.

  3. Just a minor correction: it’s not “routing”.. it’s “rooting” when you are cheering for your team 😉
    This is the second time I’ve seen this error and I thought it might help if I pointed it out.

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