Author’s Life

Christmas Eve Reflections 2013


Christmas Eve has always been a day of reflection for me.

I consider myself a deeply spiritual person, but I don’t feel affiliated with any particular brand of religion. My parents were Catholic, and I grew up in that faith, but during my adult life, I’ve chosen to take what I call a “cafeteria approach” to spirituality, picking and choosing what resonates, and discarding the rest. I celebrate Christmas, because for me, the holiday is ultimately about love, generosity, and giving. But even more than that, for me, it’s a time to slow down.

We live in an incredibly fast-paced world, and it’s rare that a large number of people take the time to slow down at the same time. Continue Reading

Cat Books, Cat Art, and a New York City Christmas


New York City is my favorite city any time of the year, but at Christmas time, the city transforms itself into a wonderland of Christmas tress, lights and over the top decorations you won’t find anywhere else in the world. And I feel a little bit like a kid on Christmas Eve, because I get to part of the magic that is New York at Christmas time: I’ll be the guest of digital artist Deborah Julian at her booth at the Columbus Circle Holiday Market on December 11 from 2 to 6pm.Continue Reading

Happy Thanksgiving 2013


Happy Thanksgiving
Allegra,Ruby and Ingrid

I try to be thankful year round, but I do spend a little extra time on Thanksgiving to really reflect on what I’m thankful for. Of course, Allegra and Ruby top the list – followed closely by you, our Conscious Cat readers! And to show you just how thankful we are for all of you, we have a special surprise for you tomorrow.

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

We’re celebrating Thanksgiving on The Conscious Cat Facebook page, too: post photos of your Thanksgiving kitties!

Happy Labor Day – A Day of Rest for Us


Here in the United States, we’re celebrating Labor Day today, and this post is dedicated to all the working cats out there.

My two hard working girls, Allegra and Ruby, are taking a much-deserved break today. And I think I may just join them and take a little break, too. We’ll be back tomorrow with our regular fare of feline health articles, product reviews, giveaways, and everything else you’ve come to love about The Conscious Cat.

Enjoy your Labor Day!

See You at the National Capital Cat Show

National Capital Cat Show

I’m excited to announce that The Conscious Cat and Purrs of Wisdom are the Learning Ring Sponsor at the National Capital Cat Show! The show takes place September 7 and 8, 2103 at the Dulles Expo Center in Chantilly, VA, right outside the nation’s capital.

The National Capital Cat Show is one of the largest cat shows in the country and features a huge selection of cat supplies, including cat toys, cat food, grooming supplies, and friendly people willing to help you with your cat questions. It’s truly a cat lover’s paradise.

Come visit us at our booth and purchase autographed and personalized copies of Purrs of Wisdom and Buckley’s Story. We’ll also have lots of fun freebies for you and your cat!Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Getting Away From It All


I’ve previously written about the value of taking a break and playing hooky, and I do try to take my own advice. But there was something I hadn’t done in far too long: completely getting away from it all. Even though I love my life, and I love working from home, sometimes, a change of scenery and a complete departure from routine are just what the doctor ordered.

So last weekend, I flew up to Hartford, CT, and spent the weekend with three different friends in Connecticut. And with 20+ cats and kittens. I stayed at the home of my friend and fellow writer, T.J. Banks, on Friday. I had never met Tammy in person. There’s always a bit of trepidation when you meet an online friend in real life for the first time, but I needn’t have worried. We never once ran out of things to talk about, and we were comfortable with the occasional silence – a true gift when it comes to friendship.Continue Reading

Happy 4th of July 2013


Happy Independence Day
Allegra, Ruby and Ingrid 

Please keep your cats safe during the festivities. A cat’s sense of hearing is much more acute than ours, and all the noises associated with the holiday are much more intense for them. Add to that the lack of understanding of what is going on, and you can have a very scared cat on your hands. Here are some tips for helping your cat cope with fireworks, thunderstorms, and other loud noises:

  • Create a safe space for your cat. If you’re having a party, unless your cat is very social and doesn’t mind a lot of commotion, keep her confined to a quiet bedroom. Put her favorite blanket, bed or toys in with her, along with a litter box and fresh water. Shut the curtains and drapes and turn on lights to lessen the flash of the fireworks.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Father’s Day Reflections


It’s only when you grow up and step back from him―or leave him for your own home―it’s only
then that you can measure his greatness and fully appreciate it. –  Margaret Truman

Happy Father’s Day!

Whether your kids are human or furry, enjoy your special day!

My dad passed away nine years ago. While our relationship was complicated at times, I always knew that he loved me, and I have lots of wonderful memories of him.  His life was shaped to a great extent by his experiences during World War II in Germany, and as a result of experiencing so much loss at such a young age, he held those he loved close to him – at times, too close for a daughter who wanted to spread her wings and fly from the nest.Continue Reading